English Dialogue practice, English conversation, English speaking practice

English Conversation About Storms

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English Conversation About Storms

Aditi: Hey Ravi, did you hear about the storm that’s coming tonight?

Ravi: Yeah, I just saw the news. It looks pretty intense! Have you ever been in a big storm before?

Aditi: A few times. I remember one last year when the wind was so strong it knocked down a few trees in our neighborhood. It was a bit scary, but kind of exciting too!

Ravi: I know what you mean. I find storms fascinating. The way the sky changes colors and the air feels so different just before it hits. But when it gets too wild, that’s when it gets a little scary.

Aditi: Exactly! I love watching the lightning from a safe place though. It’s beautiful in a way.

Ravi: Same here! Although I’m not a fan of the loud thunder. That can really shake things up.

Aditi: Yeah, thunder can be pretty loud. Do you know if we should expect anything like flooding with this storm?

Ravi: They did mention heavy rain, so it’s possible. I guess it’s best to be prepared just in case. Do you have all your emergency stuff ready?

Aditi: I think so. I made sure we have flashlights, extra batteries, and some food stored. How about you?

Ravi: Yup, we’re all set too. Just hoping the power doesn’t go out for too long!

Aditi: I hope so too! But if it does, at least it’ll be an excuse to sit by candlelight and tell stories.

Ravi: True! Maybe we can even enjoy the storm from the window, as long as it’s not too dangerous.

Aditi: That sounds nice. Let’s just hope it passes quickly!

Ravi: Fingers crossed! Stay safe, Aditi.

Aditi: You too, Ravi! Let’s check in tomorrow and see how it all went.

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English Conversation About Storms


Neha: Wow, the sky is looking pretty dark. Do you think a storm is coming?

Aman: Yeah, it definitely looks like it. I just heard a weather alert on the radio. They’re saying we should expect heavy rain and thunderstorms later today.

Neha: Oh no! I didn’t bring an umbrella. Do you mind if I stay here until it passes?

Aman: Of course, no problem! I always find storms kind of peaceful if you’re indoors. The sound of rain hitting the windows is so calming.

Neha: I agree! It’s nice to watch from inside, but I hate being caught outside in one. Last time I got soaked, my shoes were ruined!

Aman: That’s the worst. And don’t even mention how hard it is to drive in a storm. The roads get so slippery, and you can barely see with all the rain coming down.

Neha: True! I avoid driving if I know a storm is coming. It’s too stressful. But do you remember that crazy hailstorm last year? That was wild!

Aman: Oh yes, I do! Those hailstones were huge! I was so worried my car would get damaged.

Neha: Same! Thankfully, nothing serious happened. But it’s kind of cool how nature can surprise us like that.

Aman: It really is. I love how powerful storms can be, but I also respect them. They remind us how small we are sometimes.

Neha: That’s so true. I always make sure to stay safe and cozy indoors when a big storm hits.

Aman: Definitely. Better safe than sorry! I just hope this one doesn’t last too long. I have plans tomorrow.

Neha: Fingers crossed it passes quickly! But until then, I guess we can just sit back and enjoy the show.

Aman: Sounds good to me. Let’s just make sure to keep an eye on the weather updates.

Neha: Good idea! Thanks for letting me stay, Aman. Hopefully, the storm won’t be too bad.

Aman: Anytime, Neha! Stay dry!

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