100 Conversation Topics for English Learners
Learning English can be fun and exciting, especially when you have interesting things to talk about.
This list of 100 conversation topics will help you practice your English-speaking skills.
Whether you’re a beginner or more advanced, these topics cover many different subjects.
They will give you plenty of ideas for conversations with friends, classmates, or language partners.
Use these topics to improve your vocabulary, practice grammar, and become more confident in speaking English.
1. Describe a time you visited a museum or art gallery.
2. Talk about a memorable experience you had in a park or garden.
3. Describe a time you felt disappointed.
4. Talk about a time you attended a live performance or concert.
5. Describe a family member you are close to.
6. Talk about a time when you had to give someone advice.
7. Describe a time when you felt proud of someone else.
8. Talk about a recent news story that interested you.
9. Describe a favorite childhood book.
10. Talk about a time you had to use a foreign language.
11. Describe a favorite piece of art or artwork.
12. Talk about a time when you were very busy.
13. Describe a memorable shopping experience.
14. Talk about a time you visited a zoo or wildlife park.
15. Describe a time when you helped organize an event.
16. Talk about a time you received a compliment.
17. Describe a place where you can see the stars clearly.
18. Talk about a time you visited a historical site.
19. Describe a favorite place to go for a walk.
20. Talk about a time you did something that took a lot of courage.
21. Describe a project you worked on that was difficult.
22. Talk about a time you experienced a natural disaster or extreme weather.
23. Describe a time when you tried a new type of food.
24. Talk about a time you lost something important.
25. Describe a famous person from your country.
26. Talk about a time you had to apologize.
27. Describe a piece of advice you received that was helpful.
28. Talk about a time you participated in a competition.
29. Describe a memorable party you attended.
30. Talk about a time you used public transportation.
31. Describe a favorite restaurant or café you like to visit.
32. Talk about a time you experienced something surprising.
33. Describe a favorite photograph or picture.
34. Talk about a time you took care of someone.
35. Describe a place you go to learn something new.
36. Talk about a time you felt very excited.
37. Describe a memorable experience you had in nature.
38. Talk about a time you did something spontaneous.
39. Describe a favorite place to read or study.
40. Talk about a time you made a new friend.
41. Describe a memorable conversation you had.
42. Talk about a time you gave a presentation or speech.
43. Describe a hobby you would like to take up.
44. Talk about a time you felt really tired.
45. Describe a favorite dish or cuisine.
46. Talk about a time you felt inspired.
47. Describe a place you would like to go on a romantic date.
48. Talk about a time you participated in a community event.
49. Describe a time you saw an impressive work of architecture.
50. Talk about a time you experienced a major change in your life.
51. Describe a time you met someone famous.
52. Talk about a memorable outdoor adventure.
53. Describe a time you felt homesick.
54. Talk about a recent trend you have noticed in your country.
55. Describe a place you like to go shopping.
56. Talk about a time you had to wait for something.
57. Describe a time you received excellent customer service.
58. Talk about a memorable experience you had at a beach or lake.
59. Describe a famous building or monument you have visited.
60. Talk about a time you had to give instructions to someone.
61. Describe a time you faced an unexpected challenge.
62. Talk about a favorite gadget or electronic device.
63. Describe a favorite holiday destination.
64. Talk about a time you experienced a different culture.
65. Describe a time you were pleasantly surprised by someone’s kindness.
66. Talk about a favorite way to spend your free time.
67. Describe a time you had to do something you didn’t enjoy.
68. Talk about a time you received a surprising gift.
69. Describe a favorite piece of furniture in your home.
70. Talk about a time you tried a new activity.
71. Describe a favorite memory from a school trip.
72. Talk about a time you overcame a fear.
73. Describe a favorite piece of jewelry or accessory.
174. Talk about a time you had a disagreement with someone.
75. Describe a memorable event you attended.
76. Talk about a favorite local festival or celebration.
77. Describe a time you made a positive change in your life.
78. Talk about a memorable dream you had.
79. Describe a time you had to be patient.
80. Talk about a time you saw a beautiful sunset or sunrise.
81. Describe a favorite subject or class in school.
82. Talk about a time you achieved a personal goal.
83. Describe a favorite type of weather and why you like it.
84. Talk about a time you gave a gift to someone.
85. Describe a time you went to a theme park or amusement park.
86. Talk about a favorite type of exercise or sport.
87. Describe a time you felt really relaxed.
88. Talk about a time you participated in a family tradition.
89. Describe a memorable visit to a countryside or rural area.
90. Talk about a time you learned a new language.
91. Describe a time you felt really lucky.
92. Talk about a favorite piece of technology you use every day.
93. Describe a time you had to solve a difficult problem.
94. Talk about a time you felt really creative.
95. Describe a memorable holiday or vacation.
96. Talk about a time you made a new discovery.
97. Describe a time you had to help a friend in need.
98. Talk about a favorite childhood toy.
99. Describe a time you experienced a major life event.
100. Talk about a favorite dessert or sweet treat.
With these 100 conversation topics, you now have many ideas to practice your English.
Remember, the more you talk, the better you’ll get at speaking English.
Don’t be afraid to make mistakes – they’re a normal part of learning.
Try to use these topics in real conversations whenever you can.
You might even come up with your own topics as you become more comfortable speaking.
Keep practicing, stay curious, and enjoy your journey to becoming a confident English speaker!