English Short Stories to Improve English

Short Stories for Kids to Learn English

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Short Stories for Kids to Learn English

The Last Dragon

Once upon a time, in a world where dragons were believed to be extinct, lived a young boy named Sam.

Sam loved reading stories about dragons, but he never thought he’d see one for himself.

One day, while exploring the woods near his village, Sam came across a hidden cave. Curiosity led him inside, where he discovered a dragon sleeping on a bed of golden treasure.

The dragon was old and had shiny, green scales.

At first, Sam was scared, but the dragon, who introduced himself as Zephyr, was gentle and kind.

Zephyr had been hiding in the cave because he was the last dragon, and he wanted to stay safe from those who might want to capture him.

Sam and Zephyr quickly became friends. Sam visited Zephyr every day, bringing him fruits and telling him stories about the outside world.

In return, Zephyr shared tales of his past adventures and taught Sam about magic.

One day, while they were talking, a group of hunters from the village arrived near the cave, looking for Zephyr.

Sam knew he had to protect his friend. He came up with a clever plan.

Sam and Zephyr used magic to create a false trail, leading the hunters away from the cave.

Zephyr also used his magic to create a protective shield around the cave entrance, so no one could find it.

The hunters eventually gave up and left. Sam and Zephyr were relieved and grateful for their friendship.

They spent many happy days together, exploring new places and having exciting adventures.

Sam learned that true friendship means helping and protecting each other, no matter the danger.

And although Zephyr was the last dragon, with Sam by his side, he no longer felt alone.

Together, they proved that even in a world where dragons were thought to be extinct, magic and friendship could still make extraordinary things happen.

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Short Stories for Kids to Learn English

The Underwater City

Jake was a skilled diver. He loved exploring the ocean and discovering new places. One sunny day, he decided to dive in a spot he had never tried before.

He put on his diving gear and jumped into the clear, blue water.

As Jake swam deeper, he saw something strange. There were tall structures and buildings on the ocean floor.

It looked like a city, but it was underwater! Jake couldn’t believe his eyes. He decided to explore this ancient, abandoned city.

Jake carefully swam through the streets. He saw houses, temples, and even a marketplace. Everything was covered in colorful coral and seaweed.

Fish swam in and out of windows, and crabs crawled along the stone pathways.

Jake wondered why the city was underwater and why it was abandoned. He noticed some old carvings on a large stone wall.

The carvings showed pictures of people running from huge waves. Jake realized that a long time ago, a giant wave, a tsunami, must have hit the city and flooded it.

The people had to leave quickly to save their lives.

As Jake explored more, he found a small chest inside one of the houses. He opened it and found some beautiful jewelry and ancient coins.

These treasures had been left behind when the people escaped. Jake carefully put the chest in his diving bag.

He knew these items would help people learn more about the lost city.

After spending a few hours exploring, Jake knew it was time to go back to the surface. He slowly swam up, carrying the chest with him.

When he reached his boat, he couldn’t wait to tell everyone about his amazing discovery.

Jake’s find became famous. Scientists and historians studied the ancient city and learned a lot about the people who once lived there.

The underwater city became a popular spot for divers, all thanks to Jake and his love for exploring the ocean.

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