English Synonyms and Antonyms Quizzes

English Synonyms and Antonyms Quizzes

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Here are 20 more English quizzes focusing on synonyms and antonyms, with answers at the end.

Quiz: Synonyms and Antonyms


  1. What is a synonym for “difficult”?

a) Simple
b) Hard
c) Easy
d) Light

2. What is an antonym for “exciting”?

a) Thrilling
b) Boring
c) Adventurous
d) Stimulating

3. What is a synonym for “tired”?

a) Energized
b) Exhausted
c) Lively
d) Active

4. What is an antonym for “rich”?

a) Wealthy
b) Affluent
c) Poor
d) Opulent

5. What is a synonym for “calm”?

a) Agitated
b) Relaxed
c) Anxious
d) Nervous

6. What is an antonym for “clean”?

a) Dirty
b) Neat
c) Tidy
d) Pure

7. What is a synonym for “funny”?

a) Amusing
b) Serious
c) Boring
d) Sad

8. What is an antonym for “strong”?

a) Tough
b) Weak
c) Sturdy
d) Powerful

9. What is a synonym for “smart”?

a) Intelligent
b) Dull
c) Foolish
d) Silly

10. What is an antonym for “beautiful”?

a) Pretty
b) Lovely
c) Ugly
d) Attractive

11. What is a synonym for “quickly”?

a) Slowly
b) Fast
c) Lazily
d) Gently

12. What is an antonym for “friendly”?

a) Kind
b) Hostile
c) Welcoming
d) Amicable

13. What is a synonym for “old”?

a) Ancient
b) New
c) Fresh
d) Recent

14. What is an antonym for “high”?

a) Elevated
b) Low
c) Tall
d) Ascended

15. What is a synonym for “love”?

a) Hatred
b) Affection
c) Indifference
d) Dislike

16. What is an antonym for “happy”?

a) Cheerful
b) Glad
c) Sad
d) Joyful

17. What is a synonym for “important”?

a) Insignificant
b) Vital
c) Trivial
d) Minor

18. What is an antonym for “noisy”?

a) Quiet
b) Loud
c) Boisterous
d) Raucous

19. What is a synonym for “new”?

a) Old
b) Modern
c) Antiquated
d) Stale

20. What is an antonym for “happy”?

a) Elated
b) Joyful
c) Content
d) Unhappy


  1. b) Hard
  2. b) Boring
  3. b) Exhausted
  4. c) Poor
  5. b) Relaxed
  6. a) Dirty
  7. a) Amusing
  8. b) Weak
  9. a) Intelligent
  10. c) Ugly
  11. b) Fast
  12. b) Hostile
  13. a) Ancient
  14. b) Low
  15. b) Affection
  16. c) Sad
  17. b) Vital
  18. a) Quiet
  19. b) Modern
  20. d) Unhappy

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