English conversation practice for daily use

Conversation Practice: At the Coffee Shop / Grocery Store

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Conversation Practice: At the Coffee Shop

Characters: Sarah and John

Sarah: Hi, John! How are you today?

John: Hi, Sarah! I’m good, thanks. How about you?

Sarah: I’m great! I was thinking of getting a coffee. Do you want to join me?

John: Sure! I love coffee. What’s your favorite drink?

Sarah: I usually get a latte. What about you?

John: I like iced coffee with milk. It’s refreshing!

Sarah: That sounds nice! Let’s go inside. It’s a bit cold outside.

John: Good idea. It’s chilly today.

(They walk into the coffee shop.)

Barista: Hi! What can I get for you today?

Sarah: Hi! I’ll have a hot latte, please.

John: I’ll have an iced coffee, with milk.

Barista: Great choice! Anything to eat?

Sarah: Hmm, I’ll take a muffin.

John: I’ll have a croissant, please.

Barista: Perfect. Your total is $12.50.

Sarah: Here you go.

(They sit down at a table with their drinks and food.)

John: This latte is really good. How’s your iced coffee?

Sarah: It’s delicious! You were right, it’s refreshing.

John: I’m glad you like it. So, how’s work going?

Sarah: It’s going well! I’ve been busy, but I’m getting things done. How about you?

John: Same here. Lots of work, but it’s all good. It’s nice to take a break now.

Sarah: Yeah, I agree! Let’s enjoy this for a little while.

(They both smile and sip their drinks.)

John: This was a great idea, Sarah. Thanks for inviting me!

Sarah: Anytime, John! Let’s do it again soon.

Conversation Practice: At the Grocery Store

Characters: Emily and Mark

Emily: Hi, Mark! How’s it going?

Mark: Hey, Emily! I’m doing well. How about you?

Emily: I’m good, thanks! I’m here to buy some groceries. Do you need anything?

Mark: Actually, yes. I need some bread and eggs. What about you?

Emily: I need milk, fruit, and maybe some snacks. Let’s start with the bread!

(They walk toward the bread section.)

Emily: I like this whole wheat bread. What kind do you want?

Mark: I usually get white bread. I think I’ll grab one.

(Mark picks up a loaf of bread.)

Emily: Great choice! Now, let’s get the milk. I’m getting almond milk. What about you?

Mark: I drink regular milk. I’ll grab a carton.

(They head to the dairy section.)

Emily: Do you like any specific fruits?

Mark: I love apples and bananas. What about you?

Emily: I’m going to get some strawberries and oranges.

(They grab their fruits and move on.)

Mark: I also need some eggs. Let’s check the eggs aisle.

Emily: Here they are! I’ll get a dozen. Are you getting eggs too?

Mark: Yep, I’ll take the same. Oh, and I almost forgot—snacks! Let’s go to the snack aisle.

Emily: Good idea! I’ll pick up some chips and maybe some cookies.

Mark: I’ll get some crackers and nuts.

(They check out their items.)

Emily: That should be it. Ready to check out?

Mark: Yep, I think I’ve got everything. Let’s go!

(They head to the checkout counter.)

Cashier: Hi! How are you today?

Emily and Mark: Hi! We’re good, thanks!

Cashier: Your total is $25.60.

Emily: Here you go.

Mark: Thanks, Emily! This was fun.

Emily: It was! See you soon!

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