50 Sentences Using Collocations with "Do"

50 Sentences Using Collocations with “Do”

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There are 50 English collocation sentences with “do”. Each collocation is highlighted in bold:

  1. She likes to do yoga every morning.
  2. Can you do the dishes after dinner?
  3. He always tries to do his best at work.
  4. I need to do my homework before watching TV.
  5. We should do some shopping this weekend.
  6. Don’t forget to do your hair before the party.
  7. I will do the laundry tomorrow.
  8. They decided to do a course in French.
  9. He promised to do his duty as a responsible citizen.
  10. Can you do me a favor and call Sarah?
  11. I need to do some research for my project.
  12. She loves to do gardening in her free time.
  13. Let’s do a quick check before submitting the report.
  14. It’s important to do the right thing, even if it’s difficult.
  15. He will do a presentation on climate change tomorrow.
  16. She wants to do an internship this summer.
  17. The teacher asked us to do a project on environmental issues.
  18. I’ll do the cleaning while you cook.
  19. They are planning to do some sightseeing in Paris.
  20. Let’s do a test to see how much you’ve learned.
  21. I’ll do the ironing after breakfast.
  22. She’s trying to do better at school this year.
  23. It’s not right to do harm to others.
  24. Can you do the paperwork before the deadline?
  25. He decided to do business with a local company.
  26. She’s learning how to do her makeup professionally.
  27. Please do your part to keep the environment clean.
  28. We’ll do a rehearsal before the big performance.
  29. It’s important to do your job with honesty and integrity.
  30. They will do some baking for the charity event.
  31. I need to do an experiment for my science class.
  32. He offered to do the repairs on the car.
  33. Let’s do a workout together at the gym.
  34. She’s planning to do volunteer work at the local shelter.
  35. They are trying to do good in the community by helping others.
  36. I’ll do my nails for the party tonight.
  37. The company plans to do a survey to gather customer feedback.
  38. He wants to do a deal with a major retailer.
  39. She always tries to do her best in every situation.
  40. Let’s do a brainstorming session for new ideas.
  41. Can you do the accounts before the end of the day?
  42. It’s better to do nothing than to act impulsively.
  43. They need to do an analysis of the data.
  44. Please do your exercises to stay healthy.
  45. We’ll do a background check before hiring him.
  46. He promised to do the cooking tonight.
  47. She’s trying to do a painting of the sunset.
  48. Let’s do some planning for the upcoming event.
  49. I’ll do the vacuuming after lunch.
  50. It’s time to do the taxes for this year.

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