English conversation practice for daily use

Conversations in English: Friends Meeting After a Long Time

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Alex: Jamie! Is that really you?

Jamie: Alex? Oh my gosh, it’s been forever! Look at you!

Alex: I know, right? It feels like it’s been ages. How have you been?

Jamie: I’ve been good, just busy with work and everything. How about you?

Alex: Same here. Work’s been hectic, but it’s all good. I’ve missed catching up like this. What’s new with you?

Jamie: Oh, where do I start? I moved to a new city about a year ago for a job promotion. It’s been a big change, but I’m adjusting. How’s life treating you?

Alex: That’s exciting! What city are you in now?

Jamie: I’m in San Francisco. It’s such a vibrant place with so much to do. I’ve been exploring a lot. And you? Are you still in the same place?

Alex: I’m still in Seattle. It’s been great, though I’ve been thinking about taking a little break and traveling. There’s so much I want to see!

Jamie: That sounds amazing. Any specific places in mind?

Alex: I’ve always wanted to visit Japan and Italy. Their cultures and history fascinate me. Plus, the food!

Jamie: Oh, Japan and Italy are both incredible. I’ve been to Italy, and it was unforgettable. The food, the architecture, everything. You’ll love it.

Alex: I can imagine! I’ve heard so many wonderful things about both places. How was your trip to Italy?

Jamie: It was fantastic. I visited Rome, Florence, and Venice. Each city had its own charm. Rome was all about history and ancient ruins, Florence had the art and museums, and Venice… well, Venice was just magical with its canals.

Alex: That sounds like a dream. I’d love to see all of that. I’m hoping to start planning soon.

Jamie: Definitely do it! It’s worth every bit of effort. Anyway, enough about travel. What else have you been up to?

Alex: I’ve been working on a few projects. I’m also trying to pick up new hobbies. Recently, I’ve gotten into cooking. It’s been a fun and challenging way to unwind.

Jamie: Cooking, huh? That’s awesome. Have you made anything interesting lately?

Alex: Actually, yes! I made a homemade lasagna last week. It took a while, but it turned out pretty well. I’ve been experimenting with different recipes.

Jamie: Lasagna sounds delicious. I might need to get your recipe sometime. I’ve been cooking a bit too, mostly trying out new baking recipes. It’s a nice way to relax after a busy day.

Alex: Baking is so satisfying. There’s something about making bread or cakes from scratch that’s really rewarding. What have you baked recently?

Jamie: I tried making sourdough bread for the first time. It was a bit of a challenge, but it turned out well. I’m also working on perfecting my chocolate chip cookies.

Alex: Sourdough sounds impressive! I haven’t tried that yet, but I’d love to. And chocolate chip cookies are always a winner. You’ve got to share the secret to your perfect cookies.

Jamie: I’d be happy to. I’ve been tweaking the recipe a bit, and I think I’m almost there. I’ll definitely send it your way.

Alex: Thanks! I’m looking forward to trying it out. It’s so nice to catch up and hear what you’ve been up to.

Jamie: I feel the same. It’s amazing how we can just pick up where we left off. We definitely need to make sure this isn’t another years-long gap before we meet again.

Alex: Absolutely. Let’s make a plan to stay in touch more regularly. Maybe even have another catch-up like this, but sooner rather than later.

Jamie: Sounds like a plan! I’d love that. And if you ever make it to San Francisco, let me know. I’d be happy to show you around.

Alex: I’ll definitely take you up on that offer. Thanks, Jamie. It’s been great catching up.

Jamie: Anytime, Alex. Here’s to more frequent reunions and catching up!

Alex: Cheers to that! Let’s not wait too long for the next one.

Taylor: Jordan? Is that you? I almost didn’t recognize you!
Jordan: Taylor! Wow, it’s been ages. I can’t believe we’re actually running into each other. How have you been?

Taylor: I know, right? It’s been way too long. I’ve been good, just trying to keep up with life. And you?

Jordan: Same here. It’s been a whirlwind with work and everything. I’m doing well, though. It’s great to see you. What’s new?

Taylor: Well, I recently started a new job. It’s been a bit of a transition, but I’m settling in. How about you? Still at the same company?

Jordan: I actually switched jobs a few months ago. It was a big change, but it’s been really rewarding so far. I’m working for a tech startup now.

Taylor: That sounds exciting! What’s it like working at a startup?

Jordan: It’s fast-paced and a bit chaotic, but it’s a lot of fun. I’m learning a lot, and there’s always something new to tackle. I really enjoy the energy and the team.

Taylor: That sounds like a great environment. I can imagine the variety of tasks keeps things interesting.

Jordan: Absolutely. And the flexibility is nice, too. We have a lot of freedom to explore new ideas. How’s your new job been treating you?

Taylor: It’s been good. I’m in a role that’s a bit different from what I was doing before, but I’m finding it rewarding. The team is fantastic, and the projects are really engaging.

Jordan: That’s great to hear. It sounds like both of us made positive changes. It’s funny how life takes us in different directions, but it’s always nice to reconnect.

Taylor: It really is. Do you remember the last time we saw each other? I think it was at that coffee shop years ago.

Jordan: Yes, I remember that day. We talked for hours about everything and nothing. It’s funny how those moments stick with you.

Taylor: Definitely. We should catch up more often. It’s been too long since we had one of those long chats.

Jordan: I couldn’t agree more. We have so much to talk about! By the way, what have you been doing outside of work?

Taylor: I’ve taken up gardening recently. It’s been surprisingly relaxing and fulfilling. I’m growing some herbs and flowers. It’s like a little escape from the daily grind.

Jordan: Gardening sounds wonderful. I’ve always wanted to try that but haven’t had the chance. What kind of herbs are you growing?

Taylor: I’ve got basil, mint, and rosemary. They’re coming along nicely. I’ve also planted some sunflowers, which are just starting to bloom.

Jordan: That’s fantastic. I bet it adds a lot of color and life to your space. I’ve been spending my free time hiking and exploring new trails. It’s a great way to unwind.

Taylor: Hiking is such a great way to clear your mind and stay active. Have you found any favorite trails or spots?

Jordan: Yeah, there’s a trail about an hour from here that leads to a beautiful waterfall. It’s become one of my go-to spots. The view is incredible, especially at sunset.

Taylor: That sounds amazing. I love how nature can be so refreshing. We should plan a hike together sometime if you’re up for it.

Jordan: That sounds like a great idea! I’d love to. It would be fun to catch up while enjoying the outdoors. Let’s definitely make that happen.

Taylor: Absolutely. Let’s set a date for it. And if you’re ever in my area, let me know. We could have a gardening exchange—share tips and maybe some of my homegrown herbs.

Jordan: I’d be delighted! That sounds like a plan. I’m really glad we bumped into each other. It’s been too long, and this catch-up has been wonderful.

Taylor: I’m glad too. It’s nice to reconnect and hear about what’s been going on in each other’s lives. Here’s to more frequent catch-ups and adventures!

Jordan: Cheers to that! Let’s make sure we don’t let so much time pass before the next time we meet.

Taylor: Agreed. I’m looking forward to it. Take care, Jordan, and let’s talk soon!

Jordan: You too, Taylor. I’ll be in touch. See you soon!

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