Talk About Technology: 25 English Phrasal Verbs

Phrasal Verbs Related to Technology and Gadgets

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Boot up

Meaning: To start a computer.
Sentence: I need to boot up my laptop before the meeting.

Log in

Meaning: To enter your username and password to access a system.
Sentence: Don’t forget to log in to your account.

Log out

Meaning: To exit your account.
Sentence: Make sure to log out of the website when you’re done.

Turn on

Meaning: To start a device by pressing a button.
Sentence: Can you turn on the TV?

Turn off

Meaning: To stop a device from working.
Sentence: Please turn off your phone during the class.

Set up

Meaning: To arrange or prepare a device for use.
Sentence: I will set up my new printer tomorrow.

Shut down

Meaning: To turn off a device completely.
Sentence: Don’t forget to shut down your computer at night.

Plug in

Meaning: To connect a device to a power source.
Sentence: Can you plug in the charger for my phone?


Meaning: To disconnect a device from the power source.
Sentence: Please unplug the computer when you’re done.

Break down

Meaning: To stop working because of a fault.
Sentence: My phone broke down yesterday, and I had to get it fixed.

Back up

Meaning: To make a copy of data for safety.
Sentence: Remember to back up your files regularly.


Meaning: To install the latest version of software.
Sentence: I need to update my phone before using it.


Meaning: To set up a program on a device.
Sentence: I will install the new app on my tablet.


Meaning: To remove a program from a device.
Sentence: I uninstalled the old game to free up space.

Sync up

Meaning: To connect devices so they share data.
Sentence: I’ll sync up my phone with my computer.

Log on

Meaning: To connect to a system or website.
Sentence: You need to log on to your email to check the message.

Freeze up

Meaning: When a computer stops responding.
Sentence: My computer froze up while I was working.

Run out of

Meaning: To use up all of something.
Sentence: I ran out of storage on my phone.

Set aside

Meaning: To keep something for later use.
Sentence: Set aside some time to update your software.

Switch off

Meaning: To turn off a device or system.
Sentence: Don’t forget to switch off the lights.

Switch on

Meaning: To turn on a device.
Sentence: I switched on the lights when I entered the room.

Turn up

Meaning: To increase the volume or brightness.
Sentence: Can you turn up the volume on the speakers?

Turn down

Meaning: To decrease the volume or brightness.
Sentence: Please turn down the music.

Zoom in

Meaning: To make something appear larger on a screen.
Sentence: Zoom in to see the details clearly.

Zoom out

Meaning: To make something appear smaller on a screen.
Sentence: Zoom out to view the entire picture.

Go offline

Meaning: To disconnect from the internet.
Sentence: I need to go offline for a while to focus.

Go online

Meaning: To connect to the internet.
Sentence: I’ll go online to check the latest news.

Log off

Meaning: To end your session on a computer or website.
Sentence: Always log off when you’re done using the computer.

Clear up

Meaning: To remove unnecessary data or files.
Sentence: I need to clear up some space on my phone.

Pick up

Meaning: To start working again after a problem.
Sentence: The website is back up, and I can pick up where I left off.

Fix up

Meaning: To repair or improve something.
Sentence: I need to fix up my computer; it’s not working properly.

Turn around

Meaning: To improve or change the situation.
Sentence: The company is trying to turn around its sales.

Cut off

Meaning: To disconnect or stop something.
Sentence: My internet was cut off during the storm.

Fire up

Meaning: To start a device or program.
Sentence: Let’s fire up the game and play.

Run on

Meaning: To continue working or functioning.
Sentence: My computer runs on battery for about 5 hours.

Pop up

Meaning: To appear suddenly on a screen.
Sentence: A warning message popped up on my phone.

Pick up on

Meaning: To notice or become aware of something.
Sentence: The software can pick up on errors quickly.

Scroll through

Meaning: To move through content on a screen.
Sentence: I like to scroll through social media in the morning.

Send out

Meaning: To distribute or send something (usually a message).
Sentence: I will send out the invitations to the event.

Check out

Meaning: To look at or investigate something.
Sentence: Check out this cool new app I found.

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