30 Phrasal Verbs with “UP,” with Meanings and Sentences

30 Phrasal Verbs with “UP,” with Meanings and Sentences

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30 Phrasal Verbs with “UP,” with Meanings and Sentences:


Add up
Meaning: To total or calculate.
Sentence: The expenses don’t add up; I think we missed something.

Back up
Meaning: To make a copy of data or support someone.
Sentence: Be sure to back up your files regularly.

Break up
Meaning: To end a relationship or separate into parts.
Sentence: They decided to break up after five years together.

Brush up
Meaning: To improve or refresh knowledge or skills.
Sentence: She needs to brush up on her French before the trip.

Catch up
Meaning: To reach the same level or standard as others.
Sentence: I need to catch up on my work after being sick.

Clean up
Meaning: To tidy or make something clean.
Sentence: Let’s clean up the kitchen before dinner.

Fill up
Meaning: To make something full.
Sentence: Please fill up the tank with gas before we leave.

Give up
Meaning: To stop trying or surrender.
Sentence: Don’t give up on your dreams; keep working hard.

Go up
Meaning: To increase or rise.
Sentence: The price of groceries keeps going up.

Heat up
Meaning: To become warmer or make something warmer.
Sentence: I need to heat up the leftovers from last night.

More phrasal verbs:

Look up
Meaning: To search for information or improve.
Sentence: You should look up the definition of that word.

Make up
Meaning: To invent or create; to reconcile.
Sentence: She made up an excuse for being late.

Mix up
Meaning: To confuse or combine things.
Sentence: I mixed up the dates for the meeting.

Pay up
Meaning: To pay what is owed.
Sentence: You need to pay up by the end of the month.

Pick up
Meaning: To lift or collect something or someone.
Sentence: I’ll pick you up from the airport at 6 PM.

Put up
Meaning: To raise or display; to provide accommodation.
Sentence: They put up a new sign in the store.

Run up
Meaning: To accumulate or increase.
Sentence: They ran up a large bill on their vacation.

Set up
Meaning: To arrange or establish.
Sentence: We need to set up the room for the meeting.

Show up
Meaning: To arrive or appear.
Sentence: He finally showed up after being late.

Speak up
Meaning: To talk louder or express opinions.
Sentence: If you have concerns, you should speak up.

Take up
Meaning: To begin a new hobby or occupy space.
Sentence: She took up painting as a hobby.

Turn up
Meaning: To increase the volume or appear unexpectedly.
Sentence: Can you turn up the music? It’s too quiet.

Wake up
Meaning: To stop sleeping or become alert.
Sentence: I usually wake up at 6 AM.

Warm up
Meaning: To increase temperature or prepare for activity.
Sentence: Make sure to warm up before your workout.

Wrap up
Meaning: To finish or complete something.
Sentence: Let’s wrap up the meeting; we’re running out of time.

Zoom up
Meaning: To move rapidly or increase quickly.
Sentence: The car zoomed up the highway at high speed.

Check up
Meaning: To examine or investigate.
Sentence: I need to check up on my investment portfolio.

Dry up
Meaning: To become dry or deplete.
Sentence: The well has dried up after the drought.

Pop up
Meaning: To appear suddenly.
Sentence: An unexpected issue popped up during the test.

Give up on
Meaning: To stop believing or hoping in someone or something.
Sentence: Don’t give up on him; he might still improve.

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