guide to teaching English online

The Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Online

The Ultimate Guide to Teaching English Online

Nowadays, knowing English is super important because the world is so connected.

As companies grow and people need to communicate internationally, more individuals are eager to learn or get better at English.

This rising demand, along with new technology, has led to a fast-growing field: teaching English online.

Teaching English online is a cool way for teachers to connect with students from all over the world, all while staying at home.

It offers flexibility, a chance to share cultures, and the ability to really help students in their learning journeys.

But just like any job, it has its own challenges and needs certain skills to be successful.

This guide will dive into the online English teaching world, covering its quick growth and the practical steps to start and build a successful career.

Whether you’re an experienced teacher wanting to move to online teaching or a beginner thinking about this exciting opportunity, this blog post will give you helpful tips and advice.

The Rise of Online English Teaching

The online English teaching industry has grown a lot in the last ten years.

There are several reasons for this increase:


English is becoming the main language for business, science, and technology around the world, which means more people want to learn it.

Technological advancements:

With fast internet, video calls, and interactive learning websites, it’s easier than ever to teach English online.


Online classes are flexible for both students and teachers, so there’s no need to travel, and scheduling can happen across different time zones.


Online lessons are usually cheaper than traditional in-person classes, making it easier for more people to access English education.

COVID-19 pandemic:

The pandemic pushed many people to start learning online, including languages, as they looked for ways to keep studying from home.

This growth has opened up many opportunities for English teachers. Whether it’s one-on-one tutoring or group classes, and teaching kids or adults in business, the online English teaching world is varied and full of chances.

Benefits of Teaching English Online

Teaching English online has many perks for teachers:


You can choose your own hours and decide how much you want to work. This is great for people who have other responsibilities or want a part-time job.

Location independence:

You can teach from anywhere as long as you have a good internet connection, which means you can travel or move if you want.

Global reach:

You get to meet students from different cultures, which helps you learn more about the world and different ways of life.

Lower costs:

You can save money on things like commuting, clothes for work, and other expenses that come with regular teaching jobs.

Skill improvement:

You’ll get to boost your digital skills and learn new teaching methods, which makes you a more flexible teacher.

Variety of students:

You’ll interact with learners of different ages, skill levels, and goals, which keeps your job exciting and challenging.

Chance for better pay:

Some online teaching sites pay well, and as you gain experience, you can earn even more.

Difficulties of Teaching English Online

Even though there are lots of perks to teaching English online, there are also some challenges:

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Reliance on technology:

If there are tech problems, it can mess up your lessons, so you need to be good at fixing issues and have backup plans ready.

Less face-to-face interaction:

Not being in the same room can make it tough to connect with students and notice their body language.

Time zone challenges:

Teaching students from different parts of the world might mean working early or late, which can be tiring.

Need for self-discipline:

Working from home means you have to manage your time well and stay focused without someone watching over you.

Increased competition:

As more people want to teach English online, there are more teachers competing for students and jobs.

Feeling isolated:

Without a physical staff room, online teaching can sometimes feel lonely.

Keeping students engaged:

It can be harder to keep students interested and motivated through a screen compared to a regular classroom.

Important Skills for Online English Teachers

If you want to be a successful online English teacher, you should work on these important skills:

Excellent English language skills:

You usually need to speak English fluently, with a good grasp of grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.


Knowing how to use different online teaching platforms, video call tools, and digital resources is very important.


Being able to change your teaching methods quickly to fit different students and handle tech issues is a must.

Cultural awareness:

Teaching students from various backgrounds means you need to be open-minded and respectful of their cultures.

Time management:

Planning lessons well, keeping track of your schedule, and juggling multiple students or classes is essential for doing well.

Patience and understanding:

Recognizing the difficulties of learning a new language and offering helpful support is key to helping students improve.


Creating fun online lessons and using different digital tools to make learning better requires creative thinking.

Effective communication:

You need to explain complicated language ideas clearly and simply in an online setting.


Staying focused and keeping a positive mindset without the usual structure of a regular job is very important.

Tools and Platforms for Teaching English Online

There are many platforms and tools that online English teachers can use:

Teaching platforms:

  • VIPKid: Well-known for helping Chinese kids learn.
  • italki: Links teachers with adult students from all over the world.
  • Preply: A place where tutors can offer lessons in many subjects.
  • EnglishHunt: Specializes in teaching English to students in Korea.
  • Cambly: Offers conversation practice with learners from different countries.

Video conferencing tools:

  • Zoom: Very popular because it’s reliable and has great features.
  • Skype: An older choice for online tutoring that many still use.
  • Google Meet: Works well with other Google applications.

Learning management systems:

  • Google Classroom: Free and easy to use for teachers and students.
  • Moodle: A flexible platform that is open-source and has lots of features.
  • Canvas: Commonly used in colleges and universities.

Interactive whiteboard tools:

  • Miro: An online whiteboard that allows for teamwork.
  • Explain Everything: A digital whiteboard that can record lessons.
  • IDroo: Made especially for online tutoring sessions.

Resource creation tools:

  • Canva: Great for making eye-catching educational materials.
  • Quizlet: Useful for vocabulary practice and flashcards.
  • Kahoot!: Fun for creating quizzes and games that everyone can enjoy.
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Screen recording and video editing:

  • Loom: Simple tool for recording your screen and videos.
  • OBS Studio: Free software for recording videos and live streaming.
  • Filmora: Easy-to-use software for editing videos.

Getting Ready for Your First Online English Class

Before you start teaching, follow these steps to make sure you’re ready:

Set up your teaching area:

  • Pick a quiet spot with good lighting and a simple background.
  • Make sure your internet is fast and reliable.
  • Get a good webcam and microphone.

Learn the teaching platform:

  • Practice using all the features before your first class.
  • Have a backup plan for any tech problems.

Get your materials ready:

  • Create a lesson plan template.
  • Gather or make digital resources like worksheets and presentations.
  • Prepare different activities to match various learning styles.

Test your gear:

  • Do a practice run with a friend or family member.
  • Check how your audio and video look and sound.

Know your students:

  • Learn about your student’s level, goals, and interests.
  • Prepare some fun icebreaker questions to connect with them.

Set clear rules:

  • Make classroom rules and procedures clear.
  • Explain your cancellation policy and any homework expectations.

Plan your timing:

  • Organize your lesson to fit the time you have.
  • Leave some extra time for tech setup and wrapping up.

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Great Teaching Tips for Online English Lessons

To make your online English lessons fun and effective, try these tips:

Use different activities:

Mix up listening, speaking, reading, and writing tasks.
Add games, role-plays, and interactive exercises.

Encourage students to talk more:

Ask questions to get them to respond.
Promote discussions and debates on interesting topics.

Use visual aids:

Share pictures, videos, and infographics to help learning.
Use screen sharing to show students online resources.

Give clear instructions:

Use easy-to-understand language and show tasks when you can.
Make sure everyone understands before moving on to the next activity.

Give quick feedback:

Utilize chat tools or virtual whiteboards for writing corrections.
Offer spoken feedback on how students pronounce words and their tone.

Make lessons personal:

Connect the material to what students like and their own experiences.
Change up the resources to match different learning styles and goals.

Promote independent learning:

Suggest materials for students to study on their own.
Give homework that is relevant and reinforces what was taught in class.

Create a positive learning atmosphere:

Be excited and encouraging.
Recognize and celebrate students’ progress and successes.

Use breakout rooms for group activities:

Encourage students to interact with each other in bigger classes.
Keep an eye on them and help out when needed.

Include real-world materials:

Incorporate news articles, podcasts, or videos to help students learn real English.

Tips for a Successful Online English Teaching Career

To succeed as an online English teacher, try these suggestions:

Keep improving your skills:

Look for chances to grow professionally.
Stay informed about the latest teaching methods and tech.

Build your online identity:

Set up a professional website or blog.
Connect with other online teachers through social media.

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Get certified:

Earn a TESOL, TEFL, or CELTA certification.
Think about getting specialized certifications, like Business English or Young Learners.

Expand your income sources:

  • Teach on various platforms
  • Create and market digital products
  • Offer unique courses or workshops

Gather and display testimonials:

  • Request feedback from happy students
  • Build a portfolio showcasing your teaching successes

Connect with other online educators:

  • Join online communities and social media groups
  • Participate in virtual conferences and webinars

Handle your finances wisely:

  • Track your earnings and spending
  • Learn about tax responsibilities for online teaching in your area

Maintain a healthy work-life balance:

  • Set clear limits for your work hours
  • Take regular breaks and vacations to prevent exhaustion

Stay flexible:

  • Be willing to try new teaching techniques and tools
  • Modify your methods based on student feedback and outcomes

Think about specializing:

  • Concentrate on specific topics like exam prep, academic English, or business English
  • Gain expertise in teaching certain age groups or skill levels

The Future of Online English Education

Looking forward, several trends are expected to influence the future of online English teaching.

The use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) can help create personalized learning experiences and provide automatic feedback for students.

Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) can make learning more exciting and interactive.

Microlearning, which involves short and focused lessons, might become a favorite for busy adults.

A mobile-first approach means that more learning platforms will be designed for mobile devices since learners want to study on the go.

Blended learning, which mixes online and in-person elements, could become more common in language education.

Gamification, or adding game-like features, can increase student engagement and motivation.

Data-driven instruction uses advanced analytics to help teachers customize their teaching to meet each student’s needs.

There will be a greater focus on soft skills, teaching English alongside critical thinking, communication, and cultural understanding.

Peer-to-peer learning platforms that allow students to exchange languages may become more popular.

Lastly, the benefits of online learning for the environment will likely be more recognized and appreciated.


Teaching English online opens up a lot of exciting opportunities for teachers who are ready to explore the digital world.

Although it has its own challenges, the perks like flexibility, reaching students from all over the globe, and growing professionally make it a great choice for many educators.

To succeed in this area, you need to have good language skills, be comfortable with technology, and be able to adapt to different situations.

By constantly working on your skills, keeping up with what’s new in the industry, and focusing on creating fun and engaging lessons, you can build a fulfilling career as an online English teacher.

As more people around the world want to learn English and technology keeps improving, the future of online English teaching looks really promising.

Whether you’re just starting out or trying to grow your current online teaching business, now is a fantastic time to jump into this exciting field.

Always remember, the secret to success is your love for teaching, your ability to connect with students, and your dedication to offering valuable language lessons.

Take on the challenges, celebrate your achievements, and enjoy the experience of helping students worldwide reach their English language dreams.

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