50 Sentences Using Collocations with "Come"

50 Sentences Using Collocations with “Come”

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There are 50 English collocation sentences with “come”, with the collocations highlighted for clarity:

  1. She was delighted when her dreams came true.
  2. The opportunity to travel abroad came along unexpectedly.
  3. He has come a long way since he started his career.
  4. The problem comes down to poor communication.
  5. The news came as a surprise to everyone.
  6. The new policy comes into effect next month.
  7. She came up with an innovative solution to the problem.
  8. The situation came to light after a thorough investigation.
  9. The train came to a halt due to technical issues.
  10. The idea came to mind while I was reading a book.
  11. Their efforts came to nothing because of a lack of funding.
  12. He came to terms with his loss after a few months.
  13. The two leaders came to an agreement after lengthy discussions.
  14. His behavior came as a shock to his friends.
  15. The error came about due to a misunderstanding.
  16. She came under fire for her controversial comments.
  17. His name came up during the meeting.
  18. The project came to a standstill due to bad weather.
  19. This issue comes down to a matter of trust.
  20. His dream of becoming an actor came true after years of hard work.
  21. The changes in the system come with some challenges.
  22. She came across an old photo album in the attic.
  23. The vaccine came into existence after years of research.
  24. He came back from his trip feeling refreshed.
  25. The team’s victory came against all odds.
  26. Their success comes from their dedication and hard work.
  27. He came forward with new evidence in the case.
  28. The proposal came to mind while brainstorming ideas.
  29. They came to blows during the heated argument.
  30. She came up against many obstacles in her career.
  31. The details of the agreement came out during the press conference.
  32. The decision came after a thorough review of the evidence.
  33. His resignation came as a relief to many colleagues.
  34. She came second in the competition.
  35. Their new album came out last week.
  36. He came to power after the general election.
  37. The memories came flooding back when she visited her hometown.
  38. The solution came easily once we worked together.
  39. His reckless behavior came to a bad end eventually.
  40. The product comes in various colors and sizes.
  41. The rumors came to nothing when the truth was revealed.
  42. Her voice came through clearly during the phone call.
  43. He came prepared for the interview with all necessary documents.
  44. The mistake came about due to a lack of attention to detail.
  45. The package came in time for the holidays.
  46. He came under pressure to resign after the scandal.
  47. The festival came alive with music and dancing.
  48. She came out of the experience stronger and wiser.
  49. The job offer came with a generous salary and benefits.
  50. The answer finally came to me after hours of thinking.

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