Classic Fables for Kids: Fun Stories with Important Messages
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The Lion and the Mouse
One day, a mighty lion was sleeping in the forest. A small mouse ran across his paw. The lion woke up and quickly caught the mouse.
The mouse was very scared and begged, “Please let me go! I will help you someday!”
The lion laughed. “You? Help me? You are so small and weak. How could you ever help me?”
But the lion decided to let the mouse go. The mouse quickly ran away.
A few days later, the lion got caught in a hunter’s net. He roared loudly, trying to free himself, but he couldn’t escape.
The mouse heard the roar and quickly ran to help. Using its sharp teeth, the mouse chewed through the ropes and set the lion free.
The lion was very surprised. “You saved me! I was wrong to doubt you.”
The mouse smiled and said, “Even the smallest friend can be of help when needed.”
The Fox and the Grapes
One hot summer day, a thirsty fox was walking through a vineyard. He looked up and saw a bunch of ripe, juicy grapes hanging high on a vine.
The fox’s mouth watered as he thought about how delicious they would taste.
He jumped up, trying to reach the grapes, but they were too high. He tried again, and again, but still couldn’t reach them.
Tired and frustrated, the fox sat down and said to himself, “Those grapes are probably sour anyway. I don’t want them!”
The fox walked away, pretending that he never wanted the grapes in the first place.
The Tortoise and the Hare
One day, a speedy hare was boasting to all the animals in the forest. “I am the fastest of them all! No one can beat me in a race!”
The tortoise, who was slow but steady, heard this and said, “I may be slow, but I challenge you to a race.”
The hare laughed loudly. “You? You are too slow to ever win!” But the tortoise was determined.
The race began, and the hare quickly took the lead. Confident that he would win, the hare stopped to take a nap under a tree.
Meanwhile, the tortoise kept going, slowly but surely. When the hare woke up, he saw the tortoise almost at the finish line.
The hare rushed to catch up, but it was too late. The tortoise crossed the finish line first.
The animals cheered for the tortoise, and the hare learned an important lesson.
Moral: Slow and steady wins the race.
The Boy Who Cried Wolf
Once upon a time, a young boy was watching over a flock of sheep. He was bored and decided to play a trick. He shouted, “Wolf! Wolf! A wolf is attacking the sheep!”
The villagers rushed to help, but when they arrived, they saw no wolf. The boy laughed and said, “I was just joking!”
The next day, the boy did the same thing again, shouting, “Wolf! Wolf!” Once again, the villagers came running, only to find that there was no wolf. The boy laughed again.
But one day, a real wolf came and attacked the sheep. The boy shouted for help, “Wolf! Wolf!” But this time, the villagers didn’t believe him.
They thought he was lying again. The wolf ate the sheep, and the boy learned a hard lesson.
Moral: Liars are not believed, even when they tell the truth.
The Ant and the Grasshopper
One sunny day, an ant was busy working hard. She was gathering food and storing it for the winter. Nearby, a grasshopper was singing and dancing in the sun.
The grasshopper called out to the ant, “Why are you working so hard? Come and enjoy the sunshine with me!”
The ant replied, “I am preparing for the cold winter. You should do the same.”
The grasshopper laughed and said, “I’ll worry about that later. There’s plenty of time!”
When winter arrived, the ant was warm and well-fed, thanks to her hard work. But the grasshopper, who had done no work, was cold and hungry. He went to the ant and begged, “Please help me!”
The ant looked at him and said, “You should have worked when you had the chance.”
Moral: Prepare for the future and don’t waste time.
The Crow and the Pitcher
One hot day, a thirsty crow flew around looking for water. After a long search, he finally found a pitcher with a little water at the bottom. The crow tried to drink, but his beak couldn’t reach the water.
He thought for a moment and then had an idea. He picked up some small pebbles and dropped them one by one into the pitcher.
As he added more pebbles, the water began to rise. Soon, the crow could reach the water and drank his fill.
The crow was very happy and flew away, feeling refreshed.
Moral: Where there’s a will, there’s a way.
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