Daily English Conversation Practice

Daily English Dialogues: Meeting Friends

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Hello everyone,

After what feels like ages, Ajay and Kajal finally reunite.

Excitement sparkles in their eyes as they exchange warm greetings and catch up on each other’s lives.

Their bond, forged through years of friendship, remains as strong as ever.

With laughter in the air and memories flooding back, they embark on a delightful journey of daily English dialogue, sharing tales of their adventures, dreams, and everyday experiences.

Join Ajay and Kajal as they navigate through the joys and challenges of life.

Daily English Dialogue: Meeting Friends

Ajay: Kajal! Is that really you?

Kajal: Ajay! Oh, my goodness, I can’t believe it’s been so long! How have you been?


Ajay: I’ve been good, Kajal, just keeping busy with work and life. And you?

Kajal: Same here, busy as ever. But it’s so good to see you again! It feels like ages since we last caught up.

Ajay: Tell me about it! Remember all those crazy adventures we used to have back in college?

Kajal: Oh, how could I forget? Those were some of the best times of my life. We were like two peas in a pod, always up for anything.

Ajay: Absolutely! Whether it was late-night study sessions or spontaneous road trips, we always had each other’s backs.

Kajal: Those memories will always hold a special place in my heart. So, what have you been up to lately?

Ajay: Well, I recently got promoted at work, which has been keeping me occupied. But honestly, nothing compares to catching up with an old friend like you.

Kajal: Aw, Ajay, that’s so sweet! Congratulations on the promotion, by the way. You deserve it.

Ajay: Thanks, Kajal. So, how about you? Any exciting news?

Kajal: Not much in terms of work, but I’ve been focusing on my hobbies more lately. Oh, and I adopted a rescue dog last month! His name is Buddy, and he’s stolen my heart.

Ajay: That’s amazing, Kajal! I’m sure Buddy is lucky to have found such a loving home with you.

Kajal: Thanks, Ajay. Hey, speaking of catching up, why don’t we grab a coffee and continue reminiscing about the good old days?

Ajay: That sounds like a plan! It’s been too long since we’ve had one of our epic conversations. Let’s go!

Kajal: Let’s do it, Ajay. Here’s to friendship and making more unforgettable memories together!

Ajay: Cheers to that, Kajal!

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Daily English Dialogue: Meeting Friends

Ajay: Kajal! Oh my goodness, is it really you?


Kajal: Ajay! I can’t believe it! It’s been ages since we last saw each other. How have you been?

Ajay: I’ve been good, Kajal, just keeping busy with work and all. And you? What have you been up to?

Kajal: Oh, you know, the usual grind. But hey, seeing you just made my day! It’s like a blast from the past.

Ajay: Absolutely! Remember all those mischiefs we used to get into during our college days?

Kajal: Oh, don’t even get me started! Those were some wild times, weren’t they? I miss them so much.

Ajay: Me too, Kajal. But hey, let’s not dwell on the past too much. How about we make some new memories today?

Kajal: I love that idea, Ajay! What do you have in mind?

Ajay: How about we grab lunch at that new cafe down the street? I heard they serve the best burgers in town.

Kajal: Sounds perfect! I’m craving some good food anyway. Lead the way, Ajay!

Ajay: After you, Kajal! It’s so good to have you back in town. Let’s make today count!

Kajal: Definitely, Ajay. Let’s make it a day to remember!

Daily English Dialogue: Meeting Friends

Ajay: Kajal! Is that really you? It’s been ages!

Kajal: Ajay! Oh my goodness, I can’t believe it’s you! How have you been?

Ajay: I’ve been good, Kajal, just trying to navigate through the chaos of life. And you? What’s new?

Kajal: Life’s been throwing some curveballs, but I’m hanging in there. It’s so surreal to run into you after all this time.

Ajay: Tell me about it! Remember all those late-night study sessions and the endless cups of coffee?

Kajal: How could I forget? Those memories still bring a smile to my face. We were unstoppable back then.

Ajay: Absolutely! Hey, do you remember our plan to travel the world together?

Kajal: Of course, I do! We had this whole list of places we wanted to explore. Whatever happened to that dream?

Ajay: Life got in the way, I guess. But hey, it’s never too late to make it happen. How about we dust off that old list and start planning?

Kajal: I love that idea, Ajay! Let’s make it a reality this time. No more excuses.

Ajay: Agreed, Kajal. Let’s make some memories that’ll last a lifetime. So, where should we start?

Kajal: How about we start with something simple, like a weekend getaway to the mountains? Just like old times.

Ajay: That sounds perfect! I’ll start looking up some cabins and hiking trails. Get ready for an adventure, Kajal!

Kajal: I can’t wait, Ajay! It’s about time we added some excitement to our lives. Let’s do this!

Daily English Dialogue: Meeting Friends

Ajay: Kajal! Is that really you? I can’t believe we finally ran into each other after all this time.

Kajal: Ajay! Oh my goodness, it’s been too long! How have you been?

Ajay: I’ve been doing okay, Kajal. Life’s been keeping me on my toes, you know how it is. And you?

Kajal: Yeah, I totally get that. I’ve been busy too, but it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster. Ups and downs, you know?

Ajay: I hear you. Well, regardless of all that, it’s so good to see you. We really need to catch up properly.

Kajal: Absolutely! How about we grab a coffee and find a cozy corner to chat?

Ajay: Sounds perfect. There’s this little cafe around the corner that serves amazing coffee. Let’s head there.

Kajal: Lead the way, Ajay. I’m dying to hear all about what’s been going on in your life.

Ajay: Likewise, Kajal. It’s been far too long since we’ve had one of our epic catch-up sessions. But hey, no more waiting. Today’s the day!

Kajal: You bet! Let’s make the most of it, Ajay.


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