Use simple English in speaking

English Speaking Basics: Use Simple English

English Speaking Basics: Use Simple English

Hello everyone,

Learning to speak English can be challenging, especially for those who are just starting out.

One of the most effective ways to improve your English-speaking skills is to focus on using simple English.

This approach can help you communicate more clearly and confidently, even with a limited vocabulary.

In this post, we’ll explore the importance of simple English and provide practical tips to help you incorporate it into your everyday speech.

Why Use Simple English?


Simple English is easier to understand for both native and non-native speakers. It reduces the chances of miscommunication and ensures your message gets across effectively.


Using words and phrases you’re comfortable with boosts your confidence when speaking English. This can help you overcome anxiety and speak more fluently.


Simple English is useful in various situations, from casual conversations to professional settings. It forms a solid foundation for more advanced language skills.


By using simple English, you make your speech more accessible to a wider audience, including people with different levels of English proficiency.

Key Principles of Simple English

Use common words

Choose everyday words that most people are familiar with.

For example, use “big” instead of “enormous” or “start” instead of “commence.”

Keep sentences short

Aim for sentences with 15-20 words or less. This makes your speech easier to follow and understand.

Avoid idioms and colloquialisms

While these expressions can add color to your language, they can be confusing for non-native speakers. Stick to literal meanings when possible.

Use active voice

Active voice makes your sentences more direct and easier to understand.

For example, say “The dog chased the cat” instead of “The cat was chased by the dog.”

Be specific

Vague language can lead to misunderstandings. Try to be as specific as possible in your descriptions and explanations.

Practical Tips for Using Simple English

Build a core vocabulary

Focus on learning and using the most common 1000-2000 English words. These words cover a large percentage of everyday communication.

Practice paraphrasing

Learn to express complex ideas using simpler words. This skill will help you communicate effectively even with a limited vocabulary.

Use visual aids

When possible, use gestures, facial expressions, or actual objects to support your words. This can help clarify your meaning and make your speech more engaging.

Speak slowly and clearly

Take your time when speaking. Pronounce words clearly and pause between sentences to give listeners time to process your message.

Listen actively

Pay attention to how native speakers use simple English in everyday situations. Try to mimic their sentence structures and word choices.

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Embrace repetition

Don’t be afraid to repeat key words or phrases if it helps clarify your message. Repetition can reinforce understanding.

Use simple tenses

Stick to basic tenses like simple present, past, and future when possible. These are easier to construct and understand than more complex tenses.

Break down complex ideas

If you need to explain a complicated concept, break it down into smaller, simpler parts. Address each part separately before connecting them.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid

Overusing complex words

While it’s tempting to use impressive-sounding words, they can often lead to confusion. Stick to words you’re comfortable with and know how to use correctly.

Speaking too fast

Many learners try to speak quickly to sound more fluent. However, this can lead to mistakes and make you harder to understand. Focus on clarity over speed.

Translating directly from your native language

Word-for-word translations often don’t make sense in English. Try to think in English and use English sentence structures.

Using too many filler words

Words like “um,” “uh,” and “like” can make your speech sound hesitant and unclear. Try to reduce their use and replace them with short pauses instead.

Neglecting pronunciation

Even simple words can be misunderstood if pronounced incorrectly. Pay attention to proper pronunciation, especially for commonly used words.

Practical Exercises to Improve Your Simple English

Describe your day

Practice describing your daily routine using simple words and short sentences. Focus on using common verbs and concrete nouns.

Explain a process

Choose a simple process (like making a sandwich or brushing your teeth) and explain it step-by-step using simple English.

Summarize a story

Read a short story or watch a video clip, then try to summarize it using simple English. Focus on the main points and avoid unnecessary details.

Role-play common situations

Practice conversations for everyday situations like ordering food, asking for directions, or introducing yourself. Use simple phrases and questions.

Simplify complex text

Take a paragraph from a news article or textbook and try to rewrite it using simpler words and shorter sentences.

Record yourself speaking

Record yourself talking about a topic for 1-2 minutes. Listen to the recording and identify areas where you can simplify your language.

Teach a concept

Choose a simple concept you’re familiar with and try to explain it to someone as if they have no prior knowledge of the subject. This will force you to break down complex ideas into simpler terms.

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Building Confidence with Simple English

Using simple English can significantly boost your confidence when speaking.

Here are some tips to help you feel more comfortable:

Focus on communication, not perfection

Remember that the goal is to convey your message, not to speak perfect English. Native speakers make mistakes too!

Embrace your accent

Your accent is part of your identity. Focus on clear pronunciation rather than trying to sound like a native speaker.

Practice regularly

The more you practice speaking simple English, the more natural and confident you’ll become.

Celebrate small victories

Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. Every successful conversation is a step forward.

Don’t be afraid to ask for clarification

If you don’t understand something, it’s okay to ask the speaker to repeat or rephrase. This shows you’re engaged in the conversation.

Use positive self-talk

Encourage yourself and maintain a positive attitude about your English-speaking abilities.

Advancing Beyond Simple English

While simple English is a great starting point, you may want to expand your language skills over time.

Here are some ways to gradually incorporate more complex language:

Learn synonyms

Once you’re comfortable with a simple word, start learning its synonyms. This will help you express nuances and expand your vocabulary.

Introduce idiomatic expressions

Slowly start incorporating common idioms into your speech. Make sure you understand their meanings and use them in the right context.

Experiment with more complex sentence structures

Try combining simple sentences using conjunctions or relative clauses to create more sophisticated statements.

Read widely

Expose yourself to different writing styles through books, articles, and other materials. This will help you encounter new vocabulary and sentence structures.

Listen to various English accents

Familiarize yourself with different English accents to improve your listening comprehension and adaptability.

Practice with native speakers

Engaging in conversations with native English speakers can help you pick up natural patterns of speech and colloquial expressions.

Take on challenging topics

As you become more comfortable, try discussing more complex topics like current events, philosophy, or abstract concepts using your expanding English skills.

The Role of Technology in Learning Simple English

Modern technology offers numerous tools to help you practice and improve your simple English skills:

Language learning apps

Apps like Duolingo, Babbel, or Rosetta Stone offer structured lessons that often focus on simple, practical English.

Podcasts for English learners

Many podcasts are designed for English learners and use simple language to discuss various topics.

YouTube channels

There are countless YouTube channels dedicated to teaching simple English through videos on grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation.

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Online language exchange platforms

Websites like HelloTalk or Tandem allow you to practice speaking simple English with native speakers or other learners.

Voice recognition software

Tools like Google’s Voice Typing can help you practice your pronunciation by checking if the software accurately transcribes your speech.

Graded readers

These are books written specifically for language learners using simplified vocabulary and grammar. Many are available as e-books or audiobooks.

English learning websites

Websites like BBC Learning English or British Council’s Learn English offer free resources and exercises focused on simple English.

Maintaining Motivation in Your English Learning Journey

Learning a new language is a long-term process that requires consistent effort.

Here are some tips to stay motivated:

Set realistic goals

Break down your learning into small, achievable goals. Celebrate each milestone you reach.

Find a study buddy

Partner with someone who is also learning English. You can practice together and keep each other accountable.

Immerse yourself in English

Try to incorporate English into your daily life through music, movies, or by changing the language settings on your devices.

Keep a learning journal

Document your progress, new words you’ve learned, and situations where you successfully used English. This can be a great motivator.

Reward yourself

Set up a reward system for reaching your English learning goals. This can help maintain your motivation over time.

Join English learning communities

Participate in online forums or local meetups for English learners. Sharing experiences with others can be encouraging and insightful.

Remember your reasons

Regularly remind yourself why you’re learning English. Whether it’s for career advancement, travel, or personal growth, keeping your end goal in mind can help you stay motivated.


Using simple English is a powerful strategy for improving your English-speaking skills.

It allows you to communicate effectively, build confidence, and create a solid foundation for more advanced language learning.

By focusing on clear, straightforward language, you can express yourself in a wide range of situations and connect with people from diverse backgrounds.

Remember, language learning is a journey, not a destination.

Embrace the process, celebrate your progress, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes.

With consistent practice and a focus on simple, effective communication, you’ll find your English skills improving steadily over time.

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your existing skills, the principles of simple English can help you become a more confident and competent English speaker.

So, start practicing today and watch as your ability to express yourself in English grows and flourishes.

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