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English Short Stories of Lord Vishnu

English Short Stories of Lord Vishnu

The Wonderful Story of Lord Vishnu

Once upon a time, in a magical land, there was a kind and powerful god named Vishnu.

He was one of the most important gods and always wanted to help people.

Lord Vishnu had a beautiful blue body and wore bright yellow clothes.

He had four arms and always held a conch shell, a discus, a mace, and a lotus flower.

These were magical items that helped him protect the world.

One day, the world was in trouble. A very bad demon was causing a lot of problems.

He was frightening the animals and hurting the people. The people prayed to Lord Vishnu, asking him for help.

Hearing their prayers, Lord Vishnu decided to help. He turned into a big, strong man with the head of a lion.

This was his special form called Narasimha. With his mighty roar and strong claws, he fought the demon bravely.

The demon was very scared of Lord Vishnu in his lion form.

After a fierce battle, Lord Vishnu defeated the demon and saved everyone.

The people were very happy and thanked Lord Vishnu for his courage and kindness.

Lord Vishnu then returned to his beautiful blue form and smiled at the people.

He told them to always be kind and to never give up, no matter how difficult things might seem.

And so, the world became peaceful again, thanks to Lord Vishnu’s bravery and love.

The people remembered his kindness and celebrated him with joy and gratitude.

And that is the wonderful story of Lord Vishnu, the protector of the world!


English Short Stories of Lord Vishnu

The Amazing Story of Lord Vishnu and the Great Snake


A long time ago, in a land full of magic, there was a god named Vishnu who loved to help people.

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Lord Vishnu had a beautiful blue body and wore yellow clothes.

He had four arms and always carried a special conch shell, a discus, a mace, and a lotus flower.

One day, there was a big problem. The ocean, which was very important for everyone, had become dark and dangerous.

All the fish and sea creatures were scared, and people couldn’t get water to drink.

Lord Vishnu knew he had to help. He decided to dive into the ocean to make it safe again.

But the ocean was very deep, and he needed something to help him.

So, he called upon a giant, magical snake named Shesha.

Shesha had many heads and could float on the water.

Lord Vishnu asked Shesha to help him.

The snake agreed and wrapped his many heads around the ocean, making it calm and peaceful.

Then, Lord Vishnu began to stir the ocean gently with his magical discus.

As he did this, many wonderful things started to appear from the ocean.

First came a special nectar that made everyone strong and happy.

Then, beautiful pearls and shiny jewels floated to the surface.

The sea creatures, who had been scared, swam around joyfully.

The ocean was once again a wonderful and safe place, thanks to Lord Vishnu and his friend Shesha.

The people were very grateful and celebrated Lord Vishnu’s bravery and kindness.

And so, Lord Vishnu showed everyone that with help and friendship, even the biggest problems can be solved.

The ocean was peaceful, and everyone lived happily ever after.

And that is the amazing story of Lord Vishnu and the great snake, Shesha!

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English Short Stories of Lord Vishnu

The Magical Story of Lord Vishnu and the Little Turtle


Once upon a time, in a world full of magic, there was a kind and powerful god named Vishnu.

He had a beautiful blue body and wore yellow clothes.

He had four arms and carried a conch shell, a discus, a mace, and a lotus flower.

One day, the world was in trouble. The earth was becoming very dry, and the mountains were starting to crack.

The people and animals were very worried. They prayed to Lord Vishnu, asking him to help them.

Lord Vishnu decided to help. He turned into a little turtle, which was his special form called Kurma.

This turtle was very strong and had a hard shell.

The little turtle, Kurma, went to the center of the ocean, which was very deep and dark.

He used his strong shell to hold up a big, magical mountain.

This mountain was very special because it could help bring water and life back to the world.

As Kurma held the mountain, the gods and the demons worked together to stir the ocean with the mountain.

This stirring made the ocean foam and sparkle.

Many magical things began to appear from the ocean, like beautiful flowers, special jewels, and delicious food.

With the mountain in place and the ocean full of magic, the earth became green and full of life again.

The people and animals were very happy and thanked Lord Vishnu for his help.

Lord Vishnu, in his little turtle form, smiled at everyone.

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He showed them that even a small turtle could do great things with a big heart.

And that’s the magical story of Lord Vishnu and the little turtle, Kurma!


English Short Stories of Lord Vishnu

The Wonderful Story of Lord Vishnu and the Boar


A long time ago, in a magical land, there was a kind and powerful god named Vishnu.

He had a beautiful blue body and wore bright yellow clothes.

He had four arms and carried a conch shell, a discus, a mace, and a lotus flower.

One day, the earth was in great danger. A terrible demon had stolen the earth and hidden it deep under the ocean.

Without the earth, everything was in chaos.

The people and animals were very scared and didn’t know what to do.

Lord Vishnu decided to help. He turned into a mighty boar named Varaha.

This boar was very strong and had a big, powerful nose.

Lord Vishnu, in his boar form, went to the deep ocean.

With his strong nose, he dug through the water and found the earth hidden at the bottom.

He carefully lifted the earth and placed it back in its place.

The earth was safe again, and the people and animals were overjoyed. They thanked Lord Vishnu for his bravery and kindness.

Lord Vishnu smiled and reminded everyone that they should always help each other and stay strong, even in difficult times.

And so, the earth was happy and peaceful once more, thanks to Lord Vishnu, the mighty boar.

And that’s the wonderful story of Lord Vishnu and the boar!

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