English Vocabulary: 40 Nature and Environment-Related Words

English Vocabulary: 40 Nature and Environment-Related Words

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English Vocabulary: 40 Nature and Environment-Related Words

Hello everyone,

Check out 40 Nature and Environment-Related Words to Improve Your English Vocabulary!

Do you love spending time outside?

Whether you enjoy exploring the woods or just taking a stroll in the park, learning new nature and environment-related words can help you better understand and describe the world around you.

In this lesson, we’ll look at 40 wonderful words that will allow you to discuss everything from stunning mountains to peaceful lakes.

Come along as I work on expanding your vocabulary and appreciating the natural beauty all around us! 🌳🌍.

Here’s a list of 40 nature and environment-related words along with their meanings:

1. Ecosystem

Meaning: A community of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environment.

2. Biodiversity

Meaning: The variety of different kinds of life found on Earth, including plants, animals, and microorganisms.

3. Habitat

Meaning: The natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism.

4. Conservation

Meaning: The protection and preservation of natural resources and wildlife.

5. Climate

Meaning: The long-term average of weather conditions in a particular area.

6. Pollution

Meaning: The introduction of harmful substances or products into the environment.

7. Sustainability

Meaning: Using resources in a way that maintains their availability for future generations.

8. Ozone Layer

Meaning: A layer of ozone gas in the Earth’s stratosphere that absorbs most of the sun’s harmful ultraviolet radiation.

9. Deforestation

Meaning: The clearing of trees from a forested area for other uses.

10. Renewable Resources

Meaning: Natural resources that can be replenished naturally over time, like wind or solar energy.

11. Erosion

Meaning: The process by which soil and rock are worn away, often by wind, water, or ice.

12. Pollinator

Meaning: An organism, like bees or butterflies, that helps plants reproduce by transferring pollen.

13. Greenhouse Gases

Meaning: Gases in the Earth’s atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide and methane, that trap heat.

14. Compost

Meaning: Decomposed organic material used as a natural fertilizer for plants.

15. Wetlands

Meaning: Areas where water covers the soil or is present either permanently or seasonally.

16. Recycling

Meaning: The process of converting waste materials into reusable materials.

17. Biomass

Meaning: Organic material from plants and animals used as a source of energy.

18. Aquifer

Meaning: An underground layer of water-bearing rock or sediment.

19. Ecosystem Services

Meaning: Benefits that humans receive from nature, like clean water and air.

Check out more vocabulary:

20. Fauna

Meaning: The animals of a particular region or habitat.

21. Flora

Meaning: The plants of a particular region or habitat.

22. Photosynthesis

Meaning: The process by which green plants use sunlight to make food from carbon dioxide and water.

23. Endangered Species

Meaning: Animals or plants that are at risk of becoming extinct.

24. Natural Resources

Meaning: Materials or substances occurring in nature that can be used for economic gain.

25. Ecosystem Balance

Meaning: The equilibrium between living organisms and their environment.

26. Carbon Footprint

Meaning: The total amount of greenhouse gases emitted by a person, organization, or activity.

27. Climate Change

Meaning: Long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns on Earth.

28. Solar Power

Meaning: Energy harnessed from the sun’s rays.

29. Wind Energy

Meaning: Energy generated from the movement of air.

30. Wildlife

Meaning: Animals and plants that live in the wild, not domesticated.

31. Desertification

Meaning: The process by which fertile land becomes desert, often due to drought or human activity.

32. Green Energy

Meaning: Energy derived from natural sources that are environmentally friendly.

33. Natural Habitat

Meaning: The environment where a species normally lives and grows.

34. Overfishing

Meaning: Catching fish at a rate faster than they can reproduce.

35. Organic Farming

Meaning: Agriculture that avoids synthetic chemicals and focuses on sustainability.

36. Habitat Restoration

Meaning: Efforts to return a damaged environment to its original condition.

37. Invasive Species

Meaning: Non-native species that spread quickly and harm local ecosystems.

38. Sea Level Rise

Meaning: The increase in the average level of the ocean’s surface.

39. Tree Canopy

Meaning: The upper layer of branches and leaves formed by trees in a forest.

40. Carbon Sequestration

Meaning: The process of capturing and storing atmospheric carbon dioxide to reduce climate change.


I hope you find this list useful! If you have any other topics in mind, just let me know. 😊

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