Essay on PUBG Mobile Game Addiction for Students and Children

Essay on PUBG Mobile Game Addiction for Students and Children

Essay on PUBG Mobile Game Addiction

Recently, online multiplayer games have become super popular, and PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds (PUBG) is one of the most talked-about and addictive games out there.

While playing games can have some good points, like helping with hand-eye coordination and problem-solving, the negative effects of PUBG on students are much more significant.

I will explain why students should not be allowed to play PUBG because it harms their school performance, mental health, physical health, and social skills.

One major reason why students should avoid playing PUBG is how much it can hurt their school performance.

The game is so engaging and competitive that players often end up spending too much time on it, which cuts into their study time.

Students who get really into PUBG might skip their homework, miss classes, and not study enough for tests.

Since matches can last 30 minutes or longer, it can be hard for students to keep track of their time.

This often leads to them staying up late to finish assignments or study for exams, which can cause them to lose sleep and not think as clearly.

Additionally, the way PUBG hooks players can lead to a cycle where students focus more on gaming than on their schoolwork.

The game offers rewards like in-game money, cool outfits, and ranking systems that appeal to our need for success and recognition.

This can make players feel like they need to play “just one more match,” even when they have important school assignments due.

The drive to achieve higher ranks and perform better in the game can distract from the value of real-life achievements, like getting good grades and improving academically.

Another important issue is how PUBG affects students’ mental health. The game’s intense and competitive atmosphere can increase feelings of anxiety and aggression.

The constant worry about being eliminated, along with the pressure to do well, can create a stressful situation that lingers even after playing.

This ongoing stress can show up in different ways, such as being easily annoyed, having mood swings, and struggling to focus on things that aren’t related to the game.

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Moreover, the violent aspects of PUBG, where players aim to take out others, can make students less sensitive to real-life violence.

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While people still debate whether playing violent video games leads to violent actions, being exposed to graphic content can make aggressive thoughts and behaviors seem normal.

This desensitization might result in a decrease in empathy and emotional intelligence, which are essential skills for both personal and career growth.

The addictive nature of games like PUBG can lead to a serious problem known as gaming disorder, which the World Health Organization has officially recognized.

Students who get hooked on PUBG might feel anxious, irritable, or unable to concentrate on anything else when they’re not playing.

This kind of addiction can disrupt their everyday lives, causing them to feel lonely and ignore important responsibilities.

Another big issue with students playing PUBG is their physical health. When they spend too much time gaming, it often means they are not moving around much, which can lead to various health problems.

Sitting for long periods and staring at screens can cause bad posture, eye strain, and even weight gain.

The blue light from screens can mess with their sleep, making it hard to fall asleep at night and feel awake during the day.

Plus, when players are super focused on the game, they might forget to eat, drink water, or exercise regularly.

Playing fast-paced games like PUBG can also lead to injuries from doing the same movements over and over, like carpal tunnel syndrome.

These injuries can cause pain that lasts a long time and might even affect job opportunities in the future, especially in careers that involve a lot of computer work.

Additionally, the excitement from intense gaming can raise heart rates and blood pressure, which could lead to heart problems if it goes on for too long.

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Social development is really important for students, and playing too much PUBG can hurt it. Even though the game lets players interact online, it can take away from making friends in real life.

When students spend all their free time on PUBG, they might miss out on key social moments and learning how to communicate well with others.

The game can end up replacing real conversations, which is not good for building important skills like talking and making friends.

Also, the competitive side of PUBG can lead to bad behavior and not playing fair. Since players can hide behind their screens, it sometimes results in mean comments, bullying, and other negative actions.

Experiencing this kind of behavior can lower a student’s confidence and hurt their social skills, which might affect how they act in real life.

Plus, if students are busy playing PUBG, they might not join clubs, sports, or volunteer activities, which are really important for their overall growth and for getting into college.

Another big issue is the money side of PUBG. The game is free at first, but it encourages players to buy virtual stuff with real money.

Students usually don’t have a lot of money, so they might end up spending their allowance or earnings from a part-time job on in-game items instead of saving for school or other important things.

This can cause financial problems or even lead to students doing things that aren’t right just to keep playing.

The worldwide aspect of PUBG brings up worries about being sensitive to different cultures and the risk of seeing inappropriate stuff.

Players from various backgrounds might use bad language or share controversial views, which could expose students to hate speech or extreme ideas.

Since many online games don’t have good moderation, students might come across mature or unsuitable content that they aren’t ready to deal with emotionally.

It’s also worth mentioning that some people believe PUBG can have good effects, like helping players think strategically and work as a team.

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But these skills can be learned through safer activities and games that don’t threaten school performance or overall health.

Educational games, sports, and organized group activities can offer similar mental benefits while also encouraging physical fitness and social skills.

To tackle the problem of PUBG addiction in students, we need a well-rounded plan. Schools and parents should team up to teach students about the dangers of playing too much and encourage healthy online habits.

Setting strict limits on gaming time, promoting other fun activities, and keeping an open dialogue about online experiences can help reduce the negative effects of PUBG.

Schools might think about stopping students from playing PUBG and similar games on their networks and devices.

This would show how important it is to concentrate on schoolwork. Also, providing counseling and support groups for students who have trouble with gaming addiction can really help them get back on track.

Parents have a big part to play in keeping an eye on their kids’ gaming habits.

By setting clear rules, like specific times for gaming and areas in the house where devices aren’t allowed, families can find a good balance between fun and responsibilities.

Getting kids involved in sports, spending time together as a family, and exploring hobbies outside of screens can give them other fun things to do.

In summary, while PUBG might seem like a fun way to pass the time, the risks it brings to students’ school performance, mental and physical health, and social skills are much more serious than any short-term enjoyment.

The game’s addictive nature, along with its violent themes and time-consuming play, can really distract students from their education and personal growth.

By limiting access to PUBG and encouraging healthier activities, we can help students stay focused on their studies, learn important life skills, and get ready for a successful future.

It’s up to teachers, parents, and everyone in the community to steer students toward activities that will help them grow and achieve their long-term dreams, instead of those that just provide a quick thrill at the expense of their well-being.

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