30 Phrasal Verbs using "COME" with Meanings and Sentences

30 Phrasal Verbs using “COME” with Meanings and Sentences

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30 Phrasal Verbs using “COME” with Meanings and Sentences:

Come across

Meaning: To find or encounter by chance

Sentence: I came across an old photo album while cleaning the attic.

Come along

Meaning: To accompany or make progress

Sentence: Why don’t you come along with us to the beach?

Come around

Meaning: To change one’s opinion or regain consciousness

Sentence: He was skeptical at first, but eventually came around to our idea.

Come about

Meaning: To happen or occur

Sentence: How did this situation come about?

Come apart

Meaning: To break or separate into pieces

Sentence: The old chair came apart when I sat on it.

Come back

Meaning: To return

Sentence: She promised to come back after her vacation.

Come by

Meaning: To visit casually or obtain something

Sentence: Feel free to come by our house anytime.

Come down

Meaning: To decrease or descend

Sentence: The price of gas has finally come down.

Come down with

Meaning: To become ill

Sentence: I think I’m coming down with a cold.

Come forward

Meaning: To volunteer information or present oneself

Sentence: The witness came forward with crucial evidence.

Come in

Meaning: To enter or arrive

Sentence: Please come in and make yourself comfortable.

Come into

Meaning: To inherit or acquire

Sentence: She came into a large sum of money after her aunt passed away.

More phrasal verbs:

Come off

Meaning: To succeed or happen as planned

Sentence: The surprise party came off without a hitch.

Come on

Meaning: To hurry up or make progress

Sentence: Come on, we’ll be late for the movie!

Come out

Meaning: To become known or be published

Sentence: When does the new book come out?

Come over

Meaning: To visit someone’s home

Sentence: Why don’t you come over for dinner tonight?

Come through

Meaning: To succeed or survive a difficult situation

Sentence: Despite the challenges, she came through with flying colors.

Come to

Meaning: To regain consciousness or arrive at a conclusion

Sentence: After fainting, it took her a few minutes to come to.

Come up

Meaning: To arise or be mentioned

Sentence: An interesting topic came up during our discussion.

Come up with

Meaning: To think of or suggest an idea

Sentence: Can you come up with a solution to this problem?

Come upon

Meaning: To discover or find unexpectedly

Sentence: We came upon a beautiful waterfall during our hike.

Come down on

Meaning: To criticize or punish severely

Sentence: The boss came down on him for missing the deadline.

Come in for

Meaning: To receive or experience

Sentence: The new policy has come in for a lot of criticism.

Come out with

Meaning: To say something unexpectedly or release a product

Sentence: He suddenly came out with a surprising confession.

Come round to

Meaning: To gradually change one’s opinion

Sentence: She finally came round to our way of thinking.

Come short of

Meaning: To fail to achieve or be inadequate

Sentence: His performance came short of our expectations.

Come to terms with

Meaning: To accept or deal with a difficult situation

Sentence: It took time for her to come to terms with her loss.

Come under

Meaning: To be subject to or classified as

Sentence: This issue comes under the jurisdiction of the local authorities.

Come up against

Meaning: To encounter or face a problem

Sentence: We came up against several obstacles while planning the event.

Come down to

Meaning: To be reduced to the most important point

Sentence: It all comes down to making the right decision at the right time.

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