50 Pregnancy and Childbirth-Related Vocabulary Words

50 Pregnancy and Childbirth-Related Vocabulary Words

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There are 50 simple English vocabulary words related to pregnancy and childbirth:

  1. Pregnancy – The condition of carrying a baby inside the body.
  2. Baby bump – The rounded belly of a pregnant woman.
  3. Morning sickness – Nausea and vomiting in early pregnancy.
  4. Trimester – A period of three months during pregnancy.
  5. Ultrasound – A test that uses sound waves to check the baby’s health.
  6. Due date – The expected date when the baby will be born.
  7. Contractions – The tightening and relaxing of the uterus during labor.
  8. Labor – The process of childbirth, including contractions and delivery.
  9. Water break – When the amniotic sac breaks, releasing fluid before birth.
  10. Midwife – A trained professional who helps during childbirth.
  11. Obstetrician – A doctor who specializes in pregnancy and childbirth.
  12. C-section (Caesarean section) – A surgery to deliver the baby through the mother’s abdomen.
  13. Natural birth – Childbirth without medical interventions like an epidural or C-section.
  14. Epidural – A type of pain relief used during labor.
  15. Induced labor – When doctors start labor using medicine or other methods.
  16. Placenta – The organ that provides oxygen and nutrients to the baby during pregnancy.
  17. Amniotic fluid – The liquid inside the sac that protects the baby.
  18. Fetus – The developing baby inside the womb after the first eight weeks.
  19. Newborn – A baby that has just been born.
  20. Breastfeeding – Feeding the baby milk from the mother’s breast.
  21. Colostrum – The first milk produced by the mother after giving birth.
  22. Postpartum – The period of time after giving birth.
  23. Miscarriage – The loss of a pregnancy before 20 weeks.
  24. Stillbirth – When a baby dies before or during birth.
  25. Gestational diabetes – Diabetes that develops during pregnancy.
  26. Morning sickness – Nausea and vomiting, often in the first trimester.
  27. Stretch marks – Scars that form on the skin during pregnancy.
  28. Birth plan – A document that outlines the mother’s preferences for childbirth.
  29. Breast pump – A device used to express milk from the breasts.
  30. Labor pain – The pain felt during contractions.
  31. Umbilical cord – The cord that connects the baby to the placenta.
  32. Water birth – Giving birth in a tub of warm water.
  33. Doula – A trained professional who supports the mother during pregnancy and childbirth.
  34. Vaginal birth – The birth of the baby through the birth canal.
  35. Home birth – Giving birth at home instead of a hospital.
  36. Infant – A very young baby, usually up to 1 year old.
  37. Braxton Hicks – Irregular, painless contractions that can happen before labor.
  38. Cervix – The lower part of the uterus that opens during childbirth.
  39. Episiotomy – A small surgical cut made to widen the vagina during delivery.
  40. Maternity leave – Time off from work given to a mother after childbirth.
  41. Postnatal care – Care given to the mother and baby after birth.
  42. Suction cup – A tool used to help deliver the baby in some difficult births.
  43. Birth canal – The passageway from the uterus to the outside during childbirth.
  44. Tocolytics – Medications that can stop premature labor.
  45. Prenatal vitamins – Supplements taken during pregnancy to ensure health for the mother and baby.
  46. Folic acid – A vitamin that is important to prevent birth defects.
  47. Pregnancy test – A test to determine if a woman is pregnant.
  48. Amniocentesis – A test where a sample of amniotic fluid is taken to check for problems.
  49. Lamaze – A method of breathing and relaxation for managing labor pain.
  50. Baby shower – A party held to celebrate the upcoming birth of a baby.

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