50 Sentences Using Collocations with "Get"

50 Sentences Using Collocations with “Get”

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There are 50 sentences using English collocations with “get”, with the collocations highlighted:

  1. I need to get ready for the meeting.
  2. She tried to get help from her neighbors.
  3. Don’t forget to get dressed before breakfast.
  4. He was thrilled to get a promotion at work.
  5. We should get in touch with the travel agent soon.
  6. Can you get the door for me?
  7. They managed to get the job done on time.
  8. It’s important to get enough sleep every night.
  9. I need to get permission before entering the building.
  10. He worked hard to get an education.
  11. Let’s get moving before it starts raining.
  12. She finally got her act together and started studying.
  13. He can’t seem to get a break these days.
  14. I’m trying to get rid of old clothes I don’t wear anymore.
  15. Did you get a chance to speak with her?
  16. Let’s get started with the project.
  17. He’s always looking to get ahead in his career.
  18. Don’t get involved in unnecessary drama.
  19. She’s hoping to get better after her surgery.
  20. I can’t wait to get back home.
  21. He needs to get used to the new schedule.
  22. We have to get out of here quickly.
  23. They’ll get married next spring.
  24. You should get over your fear of public speaking.
  25. Let’s get together for coffee tomorrow.
  26. He wanted to get even with his rival.
  27. I’ll get off at the next bus stop.
  28. She needs to get by on a tight budget.
  29. Can you get along with your coworkers?
  30. They hope to get away for the weekend.
  31. He’s trying to get fit by exercising regularly.
  32. I’ll get on the train at 8 a.m.
  33. It’s hard to get through to customer service these days.
  34. Did you get my message?
  35. She’s determined to get to the bottom of this mystery.
  36. Don’t let this failure get you down.
  37. We need to get to know our neighbors better.
  38. He needs to get a life and stop complaining.
  39. You can get started by reading the manual.
  40. It’s time to get serious about your studies.
  41. Let’s get cracking on this project.
  42. He’s trying to get away with lying to his boss.
  43. She’s hoping to get out of doing extra work.
  44. Can we get back to discussing the main topic?
  45. I’ll get off work at 5 p.m. today.
  46. He’s trying to get into a good university.
  47. Don’t get caught up in unnecessary arguments.
  48. She’s determined to get over her breakup.
  49. We’re trying to get down to business quickly.
  50. Let’s get the ball rolling on this project.

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