English collocations sentences

50 Sentences Using Collocations with “Have”

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There are 50 sentences with collocations using “have.” The collocations are highlighted:

  1. I always have breakfast at 7 a.m.
  2. We should have lunch together sometime.
  3. Did you have dinner at the new restaurant last night?
  4. Let’s have a break before continuing the meeting.
  5. They’ll have a party to celebrate their anniversary.
  6. She likes to have fun on weekends.
  7. I’ll have a look at your essay later.
  8. He’s going to have a nap after lunch.
  9. We need to have a chat about your progress.
  10. Can I have a word with you in private?
  11. She doesn’t want to have an argument over something so trivial.
  12. They often have a discussion about politics.
  13. We’re planning to have a meeting tomorrow.
  14. Let’s have a walk in the park after dinner.
  15. They usually have a picnic in the summer.
  16. She couldn’t have a bath because the water heater was broken.
  17. I need to have a shower before heading out.
  18. He’s going to have an exam next week.
  19. I hope you have a good time at the concert.
  20. Do you want to have a drink with me after work?
  21. She’s going to have a baby in a few months.
  22. They’re planning to have a holiday in Europe this year.
  23. He decided to have a rest after working all morning.
  24. Let’s have a seat over there and talk.
  25. We should have a laugh more often—it’s good for the soul.
  26. Don’t worry; we’ll have a plan ready soon.
  27. Can I have a try at solving the puzzle?
  28. We always have guests during the holidays.
  29. He wants to have a chance to explain his side of the story.
  30. Did you have a dream about flying again?
  31. Let’s have faith in our ability to succeed.
  32. It’s important to have patience when dealing with children.
  33. They must have respect for each other to make the partnership work.
  34. I’m so excited to have an opportunity to travel abroad.
  35. They always have difficulty understanding math problems.
  36. Do you have experience in customer service?
  37. She seems to have an interest in photography.
  38. I have no idea what you’re talking about.
  39. He doesn’t have a clue where the keys are.
  40. You should have a sense of humor about life.
  41. I’d love to have some coffee to wake up.
  42. We have a responsibility to take care of our environment.
  43. They should have courage to speak up for what’s right.
  44. Do you have permission to use this room?
  45. I always have trouble remembering names.
  46. She likes to have control over her projects.
  47. He decided to have surgery to fix his knee.
  48. Do you have an appointment with the doctor today?
  49. We should have confidence in our team’s abilities.
  50. I hope you have a safe trip home.

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