English Short Stories for kids, Learn English through Stories

Short Stories in English to Read | English Short Stories

Short Stories in English to Read | English Short Stories

Time-Traveling Friend

Liam and Jake were best friends. They did everything together—playing video games, riding bikes, and talking about their favorite movies.

But one day, Liam noticed something strange about Jake.

Jake started disappearing at odd times and coming back with strange stories.

He would say things like, “I just saw a dinosaur!” or “I met a knight in shining armor!”

Liam thought Jake was joking, but he couldn’t shake the feeling that something was different.

One evening, after Jake had been gone for hours, he showed up at Liam’s house with a strange-looking device in his hand.

It was small, silver, and had lots of buttons and lights. “Liam, I need to tell you something,” Jake said seriously. “I’m a time traveler.”

Liam’s eyes widened. “A time traveler? Like, you can go to the past and the future?”

Jake nodded. “Yes. My great-grandfather invented this device. He passed it down to me. I’ve been using it to explore different times.”

Liam couldn’t believe it. “That’s amazing! Can I come with you?”

Jake smiled. “Of course! But we have to be careful. Time travel can be dangerous.”

The next day, they decided to visit ancient Egypt. Jake pressed some buttons on the device, and in a flash of light, they found themselves standing in the middle of a bustling market, surrounded by people wearing white robes and golden jewelry. The pyramids towered in the distance.

“This is incredible!” Liam exclaimed, looking around in awe.

But their adventure wasn’t all fun and games. They soon realized that time travel had its challenges. They had to avoid being seen by the locals, who might think they were spies or sorcerers.

They also had to make sure they didn’t change anything in the past, as it could affect the future in unexpected ways.

One day, while they were exploring medieval Europe, they accidentally dropped Jake’s device. It was picked up by a curious knight, who thought it was a magical artifact.

The knight wanted to take it to his king, and Jake and Liam had to think fast to get it back without causing trouble.

They followed the knight to the castle and sneaked in at night. After a tense and thrilling chase, they managed to retrieve the device and return to their own time, just in time for dinner. They were exhausted but relieved.

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Back home, Liam and Jake sat in Liam’s room, catching their breath. “That was close,” Liam said, shaking his head. “But it was the best adventure ever.”

Jake grinned. “There are so many more places to explore and so many times to visit. We’ll just have to be extra careful from now on.”

And so, Liam and Jake continued their time-traveling adventures, always ready to face new challenges and discover the wonders of different eras.

They knew that no matter where—or when—they went, they would always have each other’s back.

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Short Stories in English to Read | English Short Stories

The Forgotten Journal

Tom loved thrift stores. He enjoyed searching for unique items and old books.

One rainy afternoon, he found a dusty old journal hidden behind a pile of clothes.

The leather cover was worn, and the pages were yellowed with age. Curious, he bought it and took it home.

That evening, Tom sat in his small apartment, opened the journal, and began to read.

The journal belonged to a man named Jack, who lived in the same town many years ago.

Jack wrote about his daily life, his friends, and his job at the local factory.

As Tom read more, he discovered something strange. Jack mentioned that he felt someone was watching him.

He wrote about seeing a shadowy figure following him and finding mysterious notes left at his doorstep.

One entry caught Tom’s attention. Jack wrote, “I think I know who it is. I will confront them tonight.” But after this entry, the journal ended abruptly.

There were no more pages filled with Jack’s handwriting. Tom felt a chill run down his spine. What happened to Jack? Why did he disappear?

Determined to find out, Tom decided to investigate. He visited the town library and searched through old newspapers.

After hours of looking, he found an article dated twenty years ago. The headline read, “Local Man Missing Under Mysterious Circumstances.”

The article was about Jack. It mentioned that he vanished without a trace, and no one knew what happened to him.

Tom talked to some of the older residents in town. Most of them remembered Jack and his sudden disappearance.

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They said he was a good man, but no one had any clues about what happened to him. Tom felt frustrated but didn’t want to give up.

One day, while walking through the park, Tom met an old man named Mr. Harris. Mr. Harris said he used to work with Jack at the factory.

He told Tom about a disagreement Jack had with a co-worker named Bill. Bill was a jealous man who often caused trouble.

Mr. Harris suggested that Tom talk to Bill, who still lived in town.

Tom found Bill living in a small, rundown house. Bill was old and frail.

At first, he refused to talk, but when Tom showed him Jack’s journal, Bill’s eyes widened.

He admitted that he had followed Jack because he thought Jack was hiding something valuable.

On the night Jack planned to confront him, they had a fight. In a panic, Bill pushed Jack, who fell and hit his head on a rock.

Scared, Bill hid Jack’s body in the woods and kept quiet all these years.

Tom felt a mix of emotions—sadness for Jack and anger towards Bill. He called the police, who arrested Bill and found Jack’s remains in the woods.

The town finally knew what happened to Jack, and he was given a proper burial.

Tom was glad he found the journal and solved the mystery. He realized that sometimes, even forgotten things can hold important secrets.

Short Stories in English to Read | English Short Stories

A Day in the Future

Jake woke up to the gentle hum of his smart bed. It was the year 2124, and the world was very different from what it had been a hundred years ago.

As he opened his eyes, the room’s walls changed color, greeting him with a sunny yellow to start his day on a cheerful note.

 He got out of bed and walked to the kitchen, where his breakfast was already waiting for him. The kitchen was fully automated.

A robot chef had prepared his favorite meal: pancakes with syrup and fresh fruit. Jake loved how easy mornings had become.

After breakfast, Jake put on his smart clothes. These clothes adjusted to the weather outside, keeping him comfortable all day.

He stepped outside, and his self-driving car was ready to take him to work. The car ran on clean energy and moved quietly through the streets.

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The city was filled with tall, shiny buildings. Drones flew around delivering packages, and people moved about on hoverboards.

The air was clean, thanks to advanced technology that kept pollution at bay. Trees and plants grew on rooftops, making the city look green and beautiful.

Jake worked as a virtual reality designer. His job was to create exciting virtual worlds for people to explore and enjoy.

Today, he was working on a new project: a virtual safari where people could see and learn about animals from all over the world without leaving their homes.

At his office, he put on his VR headset and entered the digital world he was building. He could see elephants, lions, and even dinosaurs walking around.

He made sure everything looked perfect and realistic. His colleagues, who worked from different parts of the world, joined him in the virtual space.

They discussed ideas and made changes together, as if they were all in the same room.

During lunch, Jake decided to take a break and visit his grandmother. He didn’t need to travel far; he simply used the teleportation pod at work.

In a blink, he was at her house. They had a pleasant chat and shared stories about how things were in the past.

His grandmother told him about the old days when people used cars that ran on gas and had to drive them manually.

After visiting his grandmother, Jake returned to work to finish his project.

By the end of the day, he was tired but happy with what he had accomplished.

He took his self-driving car back home, watching the sunset as the car smoothly navigated through the city.

Back at home, Jake relaxed by watching a holographic movie that projected scenes all around his living room, making him feel like he was inside the movie.

Before going to bed, he spoke to his house AI, which helped him plan his schedule for the next day and even read him a bedtime story.

As Jake drifted off to sleep, he thought about how amazing the future was.

Life was easier, cleaner, and filled with incredible technology that made every day exciting.

He couldn’t wait to see what new adventures tomorrow would bring.

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