3rd Conditional Sentences

The Third Conditional in English

What is third conditional?

The third conditional is a fun grammar concept that we use to talk about unreal or hypothetical situations in the past.

It’s like daydreaming about what could have happened differently if things were, well, different!

So, in this condition, we typically use the past perfect  tense in both clauses.

For example: “If I had studied harder, I would have aced the exam.”

Here, we’re imagining a different outcome in the past if a certain condition (studying harder) had been met.

When to use third conditional?

The third conditional is like the storyteller of grammar.

We use it when we want to imagine a different outcome in the past – you know, those “what if” scenarios that make our minds wander.

So, think about a situation that already happened, and then spice it up with a twist.

Use the past perfect tense in both parts of the sentence.

For example: “If I had packed my umbrella, I wouldn’t have gotten soaked in the rain.”

So, whenever you find yourself pondering how things could have turned out differently in the past, that’s the perfect moment to throw in the third conditional.

Now, you know what third conditional is and when to use it.

Let’s move onto third conditional sentences. Pay attention to its structure and make your own too.

Try to use as much as you can and master it. 

Third conditional sentences:

If I had known about the traffic, I would have left earlier.

If they had invited me to the party, I would have definitely come.

If she had studied for the test, she wouldn’t have failed.

If he had listened to my advice, he wouldn’t be in trouble now.

If we had booked our tickets in advance, we wouldn’t have missed the flight.

If it had snowed, we would have built a snowman.

If you had told me the truth, I wouldn’t feel betrayed.

If they had taken the shortcut, they wouldn’t have gotten lost.

If I had saved money, I could have bought a new car by now.

If she had called earlier, we could have made plans together.

See also  Everyday English Sentences - GOING - DOING - BEING

If he had taken the job offer, he would be living in a different city now.

If we had brought our swimsuits, we would have gone for a swim.

If I had practiced more, I would have performed better in the concert.

If it had rained, the garden would be in better shape now.

If they had known it was your birthday, they would have brought a gift.

If I had attended the seminar, I would have learned a lot.

If he had repaired the leak, the basement wouldn’t be flooded now.

If we had met earlier in life, we might have been best friends.

If you had called me, I would have picked you up from the airport.

If she had apologized, I would have forgiven her.

If they had bought the tickets, they could have joined us at the concert.

If I had seen the warning sign, I wouldn’t have tripped.

If he had taken the medicine, he wouldn’t still be sick.

If we had caught the early train, we wouldn’t have missed the sunrise.

If it had been sunny, we would have had a picnic.

If you had read the instructions, you wouldn’t have assembled it wrong.

If she had brought her camera, we could have captured the moment.

If they had double-checked the reservation, they wouldn’t be without a room now.

If I had known it was a surprise, I wouldn’t have spoiled it.

If he had remembered the anniversary, she wouldn’t be upset.

Third conditional sentences:

If I had taken the job, I would have been working abroad now.

If they had chosen a different route, they wouldn’t have encountered so much traffic.

If she had studied abroad, her language skills would be much better.

If he had bought the lottery ticket, he might have won the jackpot.

If we had booked a table in advance, we wouldn’t be waiting for so long.

If I had known the recipe, I would have baked a cake for the party.

If they had invested in that stock, they would be wealthier now.

If she had finished her degree, she might have pursued a different career.

If he had attended the conference, he would have networked with industry experts.

See also  English Sentences with LEST

If we had started the project earlier, we wouldn’t be rushing to meet the deadline.

If I had remembered to bring my umbrella, I wouldn’t be soaked right now.

If they had adopted a healthier lifestyle, they wouldn’t be facing health issues.

If she had accepted the job offer, she might be in a higher position now.

If he had asked for directions, he wouldn’t have gotten lost in the city.

If we had known about the discount, we would have bought more items.

If I had trained harder, I might have participated in the marathon.

If they had read the terms and conditions, they wouldn’t have signed a bad contract.

If she had taken the earlier flight, she would have arrived on time.

If he had apologized sincerely, the friendship might have been saved.

If we had planted the seeds earlier, the garden would be blooming now.

If I had attended the meeting, I would have contributed valuable ideas.

If they had followed the recipe exactly, the dish wouldn’t have turned out so different.

If she had passed the driving test, she would be driving her own car now.

If he had brought a gift, the party would have been even more enjoyable.

If we had seen the warning signs, we would have taken a different path.

If I had checked my email earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the important message.

If they had communicated better, the misunderstanding wouldn’t have occurred.

If she had taken the online course, she would have acquired new skills.

If he had attended the concert, he would have heard his favorite song live.

If we had taken the initiative, the project outcome might have been different.

Third conditional sentences:

If I had known it was a surprise party, I wouldn’t have ruined the secret.

If they had brought sunscreen to the beach, they wouldn’t be sunburned now.

If she had double-checked the flight details, she wouldn’t have missed her plane.

If he had joined the club earlier, he would have made more friends.

If we had started saving money sooner, we could have afforded a dream vacation.

See also  50 English Sentences About Discussing Travel Plans

If I had remembered the anniversary, we wouldn’t be in the doghouse right now.

If they had practiced more, they might have won the competition.

If she had attended the workshop, she would have gained valuable insights.

If he had fixed the leaky faucet, we wouldn’t be dealing with water damage.

If we had chosen a different restaurant, we wouldn’t have waited so long for our food.

If I had applied for the scholarship, I might have received financial aid for college.

If they had invited us to the wedding, we would have happily attended.

If she had taken the earlier bus, she wouldn’t be running late for the meeting.

If he had read the book, he would understand the movie plot better.

If we had known about the sale, we would have bought new clothes at a discount.

If I had finished the project on time, I wouldn’t be stressed right now.

If they had turned off the stove, the dinner wouldn’t have burned.

If she had taken the job offer, she might have advanced in her career.

If he had learned to play the guitar, he could have performed at the talent show.

If we had taken a different route, we wouldn’t have encountered heavy traffic.

If I had known about the event, I would have attended with pleasure.

If they had chosen a different movie, they might have enjoyed the night out more.

If she had remembered her phone, we wouldn’t be stranded without directions.

If he had attended the seminar, he would have gained valuable knowledge.

If we had bought tickets earlier, we might have had better seats at the concert.

If I had followed the recipe exactly, the cake wouldn’t have collapsed.

If they had invested in the startup, they could be reaping the rewards now.

If she had apologized sincerely, the argument might have been resolved.

If he had taken the job overseas, he would be living in a different country now.

If we had known about the traffic, we would have taken a different route.

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