preposition sentences in English

Preposition Sentences with Examples

Preposition Sentences with Examples

So, you know how sometimes you’re talking about where something is, or when something happens, or even the direction something is moving?

Well, that little word that helps you show all that stuff is a preposition!

It’s like a tiny word that packs a big punch because it tells you about the relationship between things in a sentence.

So, next time you’re chatting away, and you say something like “I’m going to the store” or “The cat is on the table,” just remember, those little words “to” and “on” are doing the preposition job, helping you make sense of where things are or where they’re headed.

Easy peasy!

When do we use prepositions?

Basically, whenever you need to show the relationship between stuff in a sentence, like “under the bed,” “at school,” or “after dinner,” you throw in a preposition.

It’s like the glue that holds the sentence together, helping you paint a clearer picture of what’s going on.

So, next time you’re writing or chatting, keep those prepositions handy to make your message super clear!

Now let’s have a look at sentences with prepositions.

In the morning, the sun rises over the horizon.

The cat jumped on the table to catch the elusive mouse.

We walked through the park, enjoying the vibrant colors of the flowers.

The book is under the bed, hidden from plain sight.

She placed the keys beside the door so she wouldn’t forget them.

We hiked up the mountain to witness the breathtaking view from the summit.

The restaurant is located across the street from the movie theater.

The children played happily between the trees in the enchanted forest.

I found my lost wallet behind the couch cushions.

We sailed along the coast, marveling at the beautiful seaside scenery.

The airplane soared above the clouds, heading towards its destination.

The ball rolled down the hill, gaining speed with each rotation.

The path beneath the old bridge led us to a hidden waterfall.

Sentences with prepositions

The cat sat atop the fence, surveying the surroundings with curiosity.

They strolled alongside the riverbank, hand in hand.

The treasure chest was buried beneath the ancient oak tree.

The restaurant is between the bookstore and the coffee shop.

The sun sets beyond the distant mountains, casting a warm glow.

The children played hide and seek inside the abandoned mansion.

The train travels throughout the country, connecting cities and towns.

The robin built its nest within the branches of the tall oak tree.

The path diverged, and we chose the one that led to the mysterious cave.

The keys are inside the drawer, right next to the pens.

The concert venue is near the city center, making it easily accessible.

The bike path winds around the lake, providing a scenic route for cyclists.

The spaceship launched from the space station, heading towards the stars.

The detective discovered the clue underneath the rug in the study.

We sat beside the campfire, telling stories under the starlit sky.

The car sped past us, leaving a trail of dust in its wake.

Sentences with prepositions

The butterfly fluttered among the flowers, sipping nectar.

The painting hung above the fireplace, adding elegance to the room.

The birds flew over the treetops, creating a mesmerizing aerial dance.

The secret passage led beneath the castle, providing a hidden escape route.

The train station is located next to the bustling market square.

The river flowed through the valley, carving a path over centuries.

The squirrel darted across the yard, searching for nuts.

The cafe is beside the library, making it a convenient spot for studying.

The moon shone over the nighttime landscape, casting a silvery glow.

The old well is beyond the village, surrounded by wildflowers.

The car pulled up to the curb, and the driver honked impatiently.

We swam under the waterfall, feeling the refreshing cascade of water.

The kite soared through the air, carried by the strong breeze.

The castle stands on top of the hill, overlooking the picturesque countryside.

The sunflower stood tall beside the fence, reaching towards the sun.

The bus stopped at the station, and passengers hurriedly boarded.

The cave opened into a vast chamber, filled with stalactites and stalagmites.

Sentences with prepositions

The road extends through the forest, connecting remote villages.

The squirrel leaped from branch to branch, agile and nimble.

We huddled inside the tent, sheltered from the pouring rain.

The ship sailed towards the distant island on the horizon.

The trail winds around the mountain, offering breathtaking panoramic views.

The painting is hung below the staircase, adding a touch of art to the entryway.

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The flowers bloomed along the path, creating a vibrant and colorful display.

The map showed a route that led through the dense jungle, an adventurous trek.

The secret compartment is hidden within the antique desk, containing old letters.

We sat at the edge of the cliff, gazing down at the valley below.

The riverbank is dotted with cozy cabins, providing a tranquil retreat.

The music echoed through the auditorium, captivating the audience.

The train travels between cities, making stops at various stations.

The hikers reached the summit, proud to stand at the top of the mountain.

The hot air balloon floated above the countryside, offering a unique perspective.

The mysterious cave is nestled between two colossal boulders.

Sentences with prepositions

The sunlight streamed through the window, warming the room.

The garden path meanders through the lush greenery, inviting exploration.

The path continues through the archway, leading to a hidden garden.

The ancient ruins lie beneath layers of soil, waiting to be uncovered.

The path forks, and we chose the one that led to the old lighthouse.

The treasure map led to an X on a small island in the middle of the ocean.

The bumblebee buzzed around the blooming flowers, collecting nectar.

The cabin is nestled in the heart of the forest, surrounded by tall trees.

The road stretches along the coastline, offering scenic views of the sea.

The train passed through the tunnel, emerging on the other side of the mountain.

The squirrel darted into its burrow, seeking refuge from the approaching storm.

The restaurant is located near the historic district, attracting tourists.

The moon cast shadows over the landscape, creating an enchanting scene.

The bird perched on the windowsill, chirping a melodious tune.

The boat sailed across the lake, leaving ripples in its wake.

The picnic blanket was spread beneath the shade of a towering oak tree.

Sentences with prepositions

The cave is explored by adventurous spelunkers equipped with headlamps.

The mountain range extends from the north to the south, spanning vast distances.

The trailhead is marked by a wooden sign, indicating the beginning of the hike.

The map showed a shortcut that led around the congested city traffic.

The path forks again, and we decided on the one that led to the waterfall.

The snow-covered landscape sparkled under the light of the full moon.

The marathon runners raced through the city streets, cheered on by spectators.

The sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink.

The children played hide and seek among the towering shelves of the library.

The ship sailed through the narrow strait, navigating carefully between rocks.

The cat climbed up the tree, chasing after a curious squirrel.

The path zigzags up the mountain, making the ascent more gradual.

The butterfly fluttered through the garden, stopping briefly on each flower.

The campsite is set along the riverbank, providing a serene environment.

The fish swam through the coral reef, showcasing a vibrant underwater world.

The sunflower turned its face towards the sun, absorbing its warm rays.

Sentences with prepositions

The road leads to the beach, a perfect destination for a relaxing day.

The astronaut floated above the Earth, experiencing the wonders of space.

The ancient artifact was discovered in a hidden chamber within the pyramid.

The cat napped under the shade of the sprawling oak tree.

The train tracks run parallel to the river, offering a picturesque journey.

The detective followed the suspect through the narrow alley, keeping a safe distance.

The rainbow arched across the sky after the brief afternoon shower.

The old bridge spans over the river, connecting the two sides of the town.

The flashlight illuminated the dark cavern, revealing ancient carvings on the walls.

The path twisted and turned, leading us through a dense thicket of bushes.

The farmers worked diligently, planting crops in the fertile soil of the valley.

The hot air balloon ascended above the clouds, offering a surreal view.

The road winds through the mountains, providing a challenging yet scenic drive.

The clock is mounted on the wall, ticking away the seconds and minutes.

The flowers bloomed along the path, creating a fragrant and colorful trail.

The cave entrance is hidden among the rocks, requiring a keen eye to find.

The river flowed beside the ancient ruins, whispering tales of centuries past.

The cat purred contentedly on the windowsill, basking in the warm sunlight.

The athletes sprinted toward the finish line, fueled by determination.

The train rumbled through the tunnel, enveloped in darkness for a moment.

Sentences with prepositions

The picnic area is located near the forest, providing a shaded spot for relaxation.

The astronaut conducted experiments in the weightlessness of space.

The aroma of fresh coffee wafted through the air, enticing passersby.

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The shortcut led through a narrow alley, allowing us to avoid the crowded street.

The snow-covered landscape stretched as far as the eye could see.

The map highlighted the route that led to the summit of the imposing mountain.

The ship sailed through the archipelago, navigating around small islands.

The moon cast a soft glow on the water, creating a magical reflection.

The path meandered through the meadow, adorned with wildflowers.

The magician pulled a rabbit out of the hat, astonishing the audience.

The road extends from the village to the outskirts of the town.

The bird’s nest is nestled among the branches of the tall tree.

The marathon route loops around the city, showcasing its landmarks.

The train station is at the center of the bustling metropolis.

The spaceship orbited around the Earth, conducting experiments in space.

Sentences with prepositions

The butterfly flitted from flower to flower, collecting nectar.

The kite soared high above the beach, dancing in the wind.

The cave entrance is hidden beneath the overhanging rocks.

The deer grazed peacefully in the meadow, surrounded by wildflowers.

The road continued along the coastline, providing stunning ocean views.

The treasure chest is buried underneath the ancient oak tree.

The children played tag, running joyfully around the playground.

The train travels through tunnels, emerging in different landscapes.

The cat leaped from the windowsill to the top of the bookshelf.

The ship cruised along the river, passing quaint villages.

The spider spun its web between the branches of the tall bush.

The trail led us to the waterfall, hidden behind a curtain of foliage.

The car zoomed down the highway, surpassing other vehicles.

The moonlight filtered through the leaves, creating dappled patterns on the ground.

The path forks, and we decided on the one that led to the mountain summit.

The hot air balloon floated gently above the landscape, providing a serene experience.

The flowers are arranged in a vase on the center of the dining table.

The path extends to the top of the hill, offering a panoramic view.

The sunlight filtered through the curtains, warming the room.

The riverbank is dotted with small cafes, perfect for a leisurely afternoon.

The map indicated a hidden cave beneath the waterfall, waiting to be explored.

Sentences with prepositions.

The trail twisted around the mountains, revealing breathtaking vistas.


The sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the landscape.

The cat curled up on the cushioned chair, enjoying a lazy afternoon nap.

The ship sailed into the harbor, guided by the lighthouse.

The snow-covered path led us through the winter wonderland.

The moon hung in the sky, a silver orb among the stars.

The butterfly fluttered over the pond, reflecting its vibrant colors.

The path slopes gently down the hill, making for an easy descent.

The painting is displayed prominently on the wall, attracting attention.

The squirrel scampered up the tree, seeking refuge from the approaching storm.

The treasure map led us through a series of twists and turns.

The children laughed and played in the sandbox, creating imaginary worlds.

The train travels along the tracks, covering vast distances.

The path winds around the garden, revealing hidden nooks.

The ship sailed through rough waters, weathering the storm.

The mountain range extends from one horizon to the other.

The path leads to the ancient ruins, steeped in history.

The cat perched on the windowsill, watching the world outside.

Sentences with prepositions.

The river flowed gently through the valley, carving its path.

The trail extends alongside the river, providing a scenic route.

The scent of blooming flowers filled the air around us.

The sun sets behind the mountains, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink.

The road stretches from the city to the suburbs, connecting urban and rural areas.

The bird built its nest among the branches of the tall tree.

The path continues through the forest, leading us deeper into nature.

The moon cast shadows on the ground, creating an eerie atmosphere.

The car sped along the highway, covering miles in a short span.

The ship cruised along the coastline, offering stunning views of the sea.

The train passed under a series of tunnels, emerging on the other side.

The trail led us to a clearing in the woods, perfect for a picnic.

The road extends through the meadow, bordered by wildflowers.

The path splits, and we took the one that led to the mountain ridge.

The butterfly danced around the flowers, spreading joy with its vibrant wings.

The old bridge spans over the river, connecting two sides of the town.

The sunflower tilted its head toward the sun, soaking in its warmth.

The car pulled up to the curb, and we stepped out onto the bustling street.

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The trail leads up the hill, offering panoramic views of the surrounding landscape.

Sentences with prepositions.

The cave entrance is hidden beneath the overhanging rocks, obscured by shadows.

The path meanders through the forest, weaving its way between tall trees.

The ship sailed beyond the horizon, disappearing into the vast expanse of the ocean.

The train chugged up the steep incline, conquering the mountainous terrain.

The cat squeezed between the fence posts, exploring the neighboring yard.

The path continues along the riverbank, providing a peaceful stroll.

The road winds through the canyon, revealing breathtaking rock formations.

The butterfly landed on the flower, gently sipping nectar with its proboscis.

The children played tag, running joyfully around the playground equipment.

The moonlight shimmered on the water, creating a mesmerizing reflection.

The ship sailed through calm waters, gliding on the serene sea.

The trail led to a hidden waterfall, tucked away in a secluded alcove.

The road twists around sharp bends, requiring careful navigation.

The bird built its nest on a sturdy branch, high above the forest floor.

The path descended into a lush valley, surrounded by towering mountains.

The ship sailed toward the open sea, leaving the harbor behind.

The cat napped in the cozy corner, shielded from the chilly breeze.

The trail leads to a hidden cave, concealed within the rocky cliffs.

The moon cast a soft glow on the landscape, creating a tranquil scene.

The sunlight streamed through the window blinds, casting patterns on the floor.

Sentences with prepositions.

The river flowed swiftly through the canyon, carving deep ravines.

The hot air balloon floated gracefully over the cityscape, offering a unique view.

The car zoomed along the highway, passing through small towns and villages.

The map guided us through the labyrinth of streets, reaching our destination.

The path forks, and we took the one that led to the old, wooden bridge.

The picnic spot is situated beside a bubbling brook, providing a serene setting.

The marathon route winds through urban streets, showcasing iconic landmarks.

The bird perched atop the telephone pole, surveying the surroundings.

The sunflower turned its face towards the sun, following its warm rays.

The road extends along the coastline, parallel to the sandy beaches.

The butterfly flitted from flower to flower, pollinating as it went.

The train travels between cities, connecting diverse communities.

The cat squeezed through the narrow opening, exploring the hidden space.

The spaceship orbits around the Earth, conducting scientific experiments.

The trail leads through a dense forest, alive with the sounds of nature.

The moon peeked through the clouds, illuminating the night sky.

The path meanders around the lake, offering picturesque views.

The ship sailed beneath the towering cliffs, navigating through narrow passages.

The marathon runners dashed through the city, cheered on by enthusiastic crowds.

Sentences with prepositions.

The cave entrance is concealed by thick vegetation, making it hard to find.

The road stretched from the hills to the valleys, providing a scenic drive.

The bird’s nest is tucked away in the branches, hidden from predators.

The sunlight filtered through the leaves, creating a dappled effect on the ground.

The path led us to a quaint village, nestled in the heart of the countryside.

The car pulled up to the curb, and we stepped out onto the bustling street.

The river flowed gently past the meadows, reflecting the blue sky.

The butterfly landed delicately on the windowsill, its wings glistening in the sunlight.

The mountain trail zigzags up the slope, providing breathtaking views.

The ship sailed across the open ocean, guided by the stars.

The road stretches through the desert, lined with cacti and sand dunes.

The path weaves through the city, connecting neighborhoods and parks.

The cave is explored by adventurers equipped with helmets and flashlights.

The sun dipped below the skyline, casting long shadows across the landscape.

The cat perched on the windowsill, watching the world outside with curiosity.

The trail winds through the forest, offering a peaceful escape from city life.

The moonlight reflected off the calm waters, creating a magical ambiance.

The ship sailed through narrow channels, navigating between rocky shores.

The marathon runners raced past iconic landmarks, fueled by the cheers of spectators.

The road extends from the valley to the peak, a challenging ascent for hikers.

The butterfly danced around the garden, spreading beauty with its fluttering wings.

The path meanders along the river, providing a scenic route for walkers.

The map guided us through the labyrinth of streets, leading to our destination.

The sun sets behind the mountains, painting the sky with warm hues.

The river flows gently through the meadows, creating a serene landscape.

The cat leaped onto the fence, balancing precariously on the narrow ledge.

The squirrel scampered around the tree trunk, searching for hidden nuts.

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