English Short Stories for kids, Learn English through Stories

Two Interesting Stories to Read

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The Night the Moon Fell

One quiet night, something strange happened. The moon, which usually shone brightly in the sky, began to fall. It was not a star or a comet, but the moon itself!

People in the town were amazed. They looked up and saw the moon getting bigger and bigger as it came closer to Earth. It was so bright that it lit up the whole town like daylight.

“Is the moon going to crash?” asked a little boy named Max.

“I don’t know,” his mother said, holding his hand tightly. “Let’s stay calm and see what happens.”

The moon got closer and closer. Max was scared, but he also felt excited. He had always wondered what it would be like to touch the moon.

As the moon fell, it stopped just above the trees. It was so big now, people could see every crater on its surface. Some brave people went outside to look at it.

Suddenly, the moon began to glow even brighter. Then, with a soft whoosh, it slowly rose back up into the sky. The moon was back where it belonged, shining brightly again.

Max and his mother smiled. “That was a strange dream,” Max said.

“It wasn’t a dream, but it was magic,” his mother replied.

The town went back to sleep, and the moon stayed high in the sky, lighting the night as it always did.

And from that night on, every time Max looked at the moon, he remembered the night it almost fell.


The Tree That Told Stories

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was an old tree. It was very big and had thick, strong branches.

All the children in the village loved to sit under its shade. But this tree was not just any tree. It could talk!

Every evening, the children would gather around the tree after school. They would sit on the soft grass and look at the tree with big eyes, waiting for it to speak.

One day, a little girl named Mia asked, “Tree, can you tell us a story?”

The tree smiled and its leaves rustled. “Of course,” the tree said in a deep, gentle voice.

The children sat quietly, their eyes wide with excitement.

“Long, long ago,” the tree began, “there was a little bird who wanted to fly higher than all the other birds.

But he was small and weak. Every day, he would try and try, but he could not reach the top of the big mountain.”

The children listened carefully as the tree continued, “One day, the little bird met an old wise owl.

The owl told him, ‘You don’t need to be the biggest or the strongest to reach your dreams. Keep trying, and one day, you will fly higher than you ever imagined.’”

“The little bird believed the owl. He tried every day, and soon, he was flying higher than the mountain. He learned that with patience and belief, anything is possible.”

The children clapped happily, amazed by the story.

“Thank you, Tree!” they said, all together.

The tree smiled again. “You’re welcome, my little friends,” it said. “Remember, every tree, every bird, and even every person has their own story to tell. Keep listening, and you’ll hear many more.”

From that day, Mia and her friends visited the tree every evening.

The tree always had new stories to share, and they all learned something special from each one.

The tree became the village’s storyteller, and everyone loved to listen.

And so, the tree that told stories stayed in the village for many, many years, teaching children the power of dreams, patience, and hope.

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