30 Phrasal Verbs using “MAKE” with Meanings and Sentences
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30 Phrasal Verbs using “MAKE” with Meanings and Sentences:
Make up (invent)
Meaning: To create or invent a story or excuse
Sentence: She made up an excuse for being late to work.
Make out (perceive)
Meaning: To see, hear, or understand with difficulty
Sentence: I can barely make out what’s written on that sign.
Make for (head toward)
Meaning: To move in the direction of
Sentence: We should make for the nearest shelter before it starts raining.
Make over (transform)
Meaning: To change or renovate something completely
Sentence: They made over their entire house last summer.
Make do (manage with)
Meaning: To manage with the limited resources available
Sentence: We’ll have to make do with what we have in the pantry for dinner.
Make off (leave quickly)
Meaning: To leave or depart hastily
Sentence: The thieves made off with the jewels before the police arrived.
Make up for (compensate)
Meaning: To compensate for a loss or deficiency
Sentence: He tried to make up for his mistake by working overtime.
Make of (understand or interpret)
Meaning: To understand or form an opinion about something
Sentence: I don’t know what to make of his strange behavior.
Make out (write)
Meaning: To write out or complete a document
Sentence: Can you make out a check for the electrician?
Make away with (steal)
Meaning: To steal or carry off
Sentence: The embezzler made away with millions of dollars.
Make into (transform)
Meaning: To transform something into something else
Sentence: We can make this old shirt into a cleaning rag.
Make for (contribute to)
Meaning: To result in or contribute to a situation
Sentence: All these factors make for a challenging work environment.
Make up to (try to please)
Meaning: To try to gain favor with someone
Sentence: He’s always making up to the boss for a promotion.
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Make out (succeed)
Meaning: To manage or succeed
Sentence: How did you make out on your exam?
Make light of (treat as unimportant)
Meaning: To treat something as unimportant or trivial
Sentence: Don’t make light of her achievements; she worked hard for them.
Make up one’s mind (decide)
Meaning: To reach a decision
Sentence: I need to make up my mind about which college to attend.
Make off with (steal and escape)
Meaning: To steal something and escape with it
Sentence: The burglar made off with several valuable paintings.
Make out (kiss passionately)
Meaning: To kiss and caress amorously
Sentence: The teenagers were making out in the back of the movie theater.
Make up (reconcile)
Meaning: To reconcile after a disagreement
Sentence: The couple had a fight but made up the next day.
Make for (be suitable for)
Meaning: To be suitable or appropriate for something
Sentence: This cool weather makes for perfect hiking conditions.
Make after (chase)
Meaning: To pursue or chase someone
Sentence: The police officer made after the fleeing suspect.
Make over (transfer ownership)
Meaning: To transfer the ownership of something to someone else
Sentence: He made over his estate to his children before he died.
Make up to (flatter or try to gain favor)
Meaning: To flatter someone or try to gain their favor
Sentence: The student was always making up to the teacher for better grades.
Make out like (pretend)
Meaning: To pretend to be something
Sentence: He’s making out like he’s the victim in this situation.
Make with (produce or provide quickly)
Meaning: To produce or provide something quickly
Sentence: Come on, make with the cash. We need to pay the bill.
Make believe (pretend)
Meaning: To pretend or imagine
Sentence: The children were making believe they were pirates on a ship.
Make of oneself (become through effort)
Meaning: To become something through one’s own efforts
Sentence: He made a success of himself despite his humble beginnings.
Make much of (treat as important)
Meaning: To treat something as very important
Sentence: The media made much of the politician’s minor gaffe.
Make good (succeed)
Meaning: To be successful or prosper
Sentence: Despite early setbacks, the company eventually made good.
Make away (escape)
Meaning: To escape or get away
Sentence: The suspect made away before the police could arrest him.
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