30 Phrasal Verbs using "THROW" with Meanings and Sentences

30 Phrasal Verbs using “THROW” with Meanings and Sentences

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30 Phrasal Verbs using “THROW” with Meanings and Sentences:


Throw away
Meaning: To discard something.
Sentence: She decided to throw away the old magazines.

Throw up
Meaning: To vomit.
Sentence: He felt sick and had to throw up after eating the spoiled food.

Throw in
Meaning: To add something extra, often for free.
Sentence: The seller agreed to throw in a set of matching plates with the purchase.

Throw out
Meaning: To force someone to leave a place.
Sentence: The landlord threatened to throw out the tenants if they didn’t pay the rent.

Throw off
Meaning: To confuse or mislead someone.
Sentence: The unexpected detour threw off our plans for the day.

Throw down
Meaning: To challenge someone to a fight or competition.
Sentence: He threw down the gauntlet and challenged his rival to a game of chess.

Throw together
Meaning: To assemble or organize something quickly.
Sentence: They threw together a quick party at the last minute.

Throw back
Meaning: To return something to its original place or condition.
Sentence: She decided to throw back the fish she caught because it was too small.

Throw light on
Meaning: To clarify or explain something.
Sentence: The new evidence helped throw light on the mysterious case.

Throw in the towel
Meaning: To give up or surrender.
Sentence: After several failed attempts, she decided to throw in the towel.

Throw around
Meaning: To use something carelessly or without thinking.
Sentence: He threw around ideas without considering their feasibility.

Throw to the wolves
Meaning: To abandon someone in a difficult situation.
Sentence: The manager threw the new employee to the wolves by assigning him a challenging project without training.

See also  30 Phrasal Verbs using "LET" with Meanings and Sentences

Throw back to
Meaning: To return to a previous time or style.
Sentence: The retro design of the new café throws back to the 1950s.

More phrasal verbs:

Throw caution to the wind
Meaning: To act recklessly or without regard for safety.
Sentence: They decided to throw caution to the wind and go on an adventurous trip.

Throw a fit
Meaning: To have a sudden and uncontrolled outburst of anger.
Sentence: She threw a fit when she found out her plans had been changed.

Throw shade
Meaning: To criticize or show disrespect subtly.
Sentence: She threw shade at her colleague’s presentation during the meeting.

Throw someone a curveball
Meaning: To surprise someone with an unexpected difficulty.
Sentence: The sudden change in the project’s deadline threw everyone a curveball.

Throw into the mix
Meaning: To introduce something as a new factor or element.
Sentence: They decided to throw a new marketing strategy into the mix to boost sales.

Throw off balance
Meaning: To cause someone to lose stability or composure.
Sentence: The unexpected question threw him off balance during the interview.

Throw under the bus
Meaning: To betray or sacrifice someone for personal gain.
Sentence: She felt betrayed when her colleague threw her under the bus to avoid getting in trouble.

Throw a party
Meaning: To organize and host a social gathering.
Sentence: They decided to throw a party to celebrate their anniversary.

See also  40 English Phrasal Verbs with Meanings

Throw a wrench in
Meaning: To disrupt or hinder something.
Sentence: The sudden rainstorm threw a wrench in their outdoor wedding plans.

Throw a tantrum
Meaning: To have a fit of anger or frustration.
Sentence: The child threw a tantrum when he was told he couldn’t have candy before dinner.

Throw caution to the wind
Meaning: To act without worrying about risks.
Sentence: They threw caution to the wind and went skydiving despite their fear of heights.

Throw a line
Meaning: To offer assistance or help.
Sentence: If you’re struggling with your project, don’t hesitate to throw me a line.

Throw up one’s hands
Meaning: To give up or surrender.
Sentence: After hours of trying to fix the problem, he threw up his hands in frustration.

Throw one’s weight around
Meaning: To use one’s authority or influence aggressively.
Sentence: The manager threw his weight around to get his way with the new policies.

Throw a party for
Meaning: To organize a celebration in honor of someone.
Sentence: They threw a party for their friend’s graduation.

Throw a jab
Meaning: To make a quick, often subtle, criticism.
Sentence: His comments during the meeting were a throw jab at the opposing team’s performance.

Throw a fit
Meaning: To react with strong emotion, often anger or frustration.
Sentence: She threw a fit when she found out her favorite band wasn’t coming to town.

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