30 Phrasal Verbs using “TALK” with Meanings and Sentences
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30 Phrasal Verbs using “TALK” with Meanings and Sentences:
Talk about – Discuss a topic.
They talked about their vacation plans.
Talk back – Reply rudely.
Don’t talk back to your parents.
Talk down to – Speak to someone as if they are less intelligent.
He tends to talk down to his younger colleagues.
Talk over – Discuss something before making a decision.
Let’s talk over the details of the project.
Talk into – Persuade someone to do something.
She talked him into going to the concert.
Talk out of – Persuade someone not to do something.
I tried to talk her out of quitting her job.
Talk through – Explain something step by step.
He talked us through the process of applying for a visa.
Talk up – Promote or emphasize the positive aspects.
The manager talked up the new product to the team.
Talk down – Reduce the importance of something.
He talked down the significance of the new policy.
Talk shop – Discuss work-related matters.
After the meeting, they continued to talk shop over dinner.
Talk to – Converse with someone.
I need to talk to you about the upcoming event.
Talk with – Engage in conversation with someone.
She enjoyed talking with her old friends.
Talk through – Discuss something thoroughly.
Let’s talk through the plan before the meeting.
Talk out – Discuss something until a solution is reached.
We talked out our differences and reached an agreement.
Talk for – Speak on behalf of someone.
She talked for the group during the presentation.
Talk into – Persuade or convince someone.
I was talked into trying the new restaurant.
Talk under – To reduce someone’s influence by speaking over them.
He always tries to talk under people to assert his dominance.
Talk through – Discuss in detail.
We need to talk through the budget before finalizing it.
Talk down to – Treat someone as inferior.
She felt belittled when her boss talked down to her.
Talk against – Speak in opposition to something.
He talked against the new regulations during the meeting.
Talk to oneself – Speak aloud to oneself.
She often talks to herself when she’s deep in thought.
Talk along – Engage in a continuous conversation.
They talked along the trail during their hike.
Talk around – Avoid discussing the main issue.
He tends to talk around the subject instead of addressing it directly.
Talk ahead – Discuss future plans.
Let’s talk ahead about the next project.
Talk among – Engage in conversation within a group.
They talked among themselves to come up with ideas.
Talk behind – Discuss someone when they are not present.
They talked behind his back about his decision.
Talk back to – Respond defiantly or rudely.
She talked back to the teacher, which got her into trouble.
Talk out of turn – Speak when it’s inappropriate or not your place.
He talked out of turn during the meeting, interrupting others.
Talk big – Boast or brag.
He tends to talk big about his accomplishments.
Talk at – Speak to someone without engaging them in conversation.
She felt like he was talking at her rather than with her.
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