30 Phrasal Verbs using "PUT" with Meanings and Sentences

30 Phrasal Verbs using “PUT” with Meanings and Sentences

30 Phrasal Verbs using “PUT” with Meanings and Sentences


Put away

Meaning: Store or return something to its proper place

Sentence: Please put away your toys before dinner.

Put back

Meaning: Return something to its original position

Sentence: After using the dictionary, put it back on the shelf.

Put down

Meaning: Place something on a surface; criticize or insult someone

Sentence: Put down your bags and take a seat.

Put forward

Meaning: Propose or suggest an idea

Sentence: She put forward an interesting solution to the problem.

Put in

Meaning: Install; submit; invest time or effort

Sentence: We need to put in a new air conditioning system.

Put off

Meaning: Postpone; delay

Sentence: Let’s put off the meeting until next week.

Put on

Meaning: Wear; pretend; gain weight

Sentence: Put on your coat before going outside.

Put out

Meaning: Extinguish; publish; inconvenience

Sentence: The firefighters quickly put out the blaze.

Put through

Meaning: Connect a phone call; make someone experience something difficult

Sentence: Could you put me through to the manager, please?

Put up

Meaning: Accommodate; display; construct

Sentence: We can put you up for the night if you need a place to stay.

Put up with

Meaning: Tolerate or endure

Sentence: I can’t put up with his constant complaining anymore.

Put across

Meaning: Communicate or express clearly

Sentence: The speaker put across her ideas effectively.

Put aside

Meaning: Save for future use; disregard

Sentence: We should put aside some money for emergencies.

Put down to

Meaning: Attribute to a particular cause

Sentence: I put his bad mood down to lack of sleep.

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Put in for

Meaning: Apply or request formally

Sentence: He put in for a transfer to the new department.

Put together

Meaning: Assemble or compile

Sentence: We need to put together a team for the project.

Put up with

Meaning: Tolerate or endure

Sentence: I can’t put up with this noise any longer.

Put out

Meaning: Inconvenience someone

Sentence: I hope I’m not putting you out by asking for a ride.

Put over

Meaning: Communicate or express successfully

Sentence: The comedian put over his jokes well, making everyone laugh.

Put about

Meaning: Spread rumors or information

Sentence: Don’t put about gossip you’re not sure is true.

Put by

Meaning: Save for future use

Sentence: We try to put by some money each month for our vacation.

Put down roots

Meaning: Settle in a place permanently

Sentence: After years of traveling, they decided to put down roots in a small town.

Put someone in their place

Meaning: Remind someone of their inferior position or status

Sentence: The boss put the arrogant employee in his place during the meeting.

Put someone up to something

Meaning: Encourage or dare someone to do something, often mischievous

Sentence: I bet his brother put him up to playing that prank.

Put two and two together

Meaning: Understand a situation by piecing together information

Sentence: It didn’t take long for her to put two and two together and figure out the surprise party.

Put someone on the spot

Meaning: Force someone to make a difficult decision or answer a difficult question

Sentence: The interviewer put the politician on the spot with a controversial question.

See also  Phrasal Verbs: Common Examples & Their Meanings

Put something on ice

Meaning: Postpone or suspend plans

Sentence: We’ve decided to put the expansion project on ice until the economy improves.

Put someone through their paces

Meaning: Test someone’s ability thoroughly

Sentence: The coach put the new players through their paces during the tryouts.

Put words in someone’s mouth

Meaning: Attribute words or opinions to someone that they didn’t actually say

Sentence: Don’t put words in my mouth; I never said I disliked your idea.

Put paid to

Meaning: Bring to an end; finish off

Sentence: The heavy rain put paid to our plans for a picnic.

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