Sentences with conjunctions

English Sentences with Conjunctions

English Sentences with Conjunctions

Hello everyone!

Today, we’re going into the wonderful world of conjunctions.

You might have heard of them in your English class or seen them pop up in your favorite novels, but do you know how to use them effectively in your own writing?

Fear not, because by the end of this blog, you’ll be a conjunction pro!

What Are Conjunctions?

Let’s start with the basics.

Conjunctions are words that join together clauses, phrases, or words in a sentence.

They act as the glue that holds our thoughts together, allowing us to express complex ideas and relationships between different parts of a sentence.

Let’s look at a few conjunctions:

and / but / or / nor / for / yet / so / because / although / since / while / when / if / unless / until / whether / than / as / after / before

There are three main types of conjunctions:

Coordinating Conjunctions: These are the simplest and most common conjunctions. Think of the acronym FANBOYS – For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So. They connect words, phrases, or independent clauses of equal importance.

Example: “I wanted to go to the party, but I had too much homework.”

Subordinating Conjunctions: These conjunctions introduce subordinate clauses, which cannot stand alone as complete sentences. They show the relationship between the dependent clause and the independent clause.

Example: “Because it was raining, we decided to stay indoors.”

Correlative Conjunctions: These conjunctions come in pairs and connect words or groups of words that have equal weight in the sentence.

Example: “Either we go to the beach today, or we stay home and watch movies.”

When to Use Conjunctions

Now that we know the different types of conjunctions, let’s explore when to use them in our writing:

Connecting Ideas: Conjunctions are essential for connecting related ideas in a sentence. They help create flow and coherence, guiding the reader through your thoughts smoothly.

Example: “I love hiking in the mountains, and I enjoy camping under the stars.”

Showing Contrast: Conjunctions can also be used to highlight differences or contrasts between ideas.

Example: “She’s shy, but her brother is outgoing.”

Expressing Cause and Effect: Subordinating conjunctions are handy for indicating why something happened or its consequences.

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Example: “Since it was getting late, we decided to leave early.”

Offering Choices: Correlative conjunctions are perfect for presenting alternatives or choices.

Example: “You can either study for your exam or relax and watch TV.”

Read more:

Tips for Using Conjunctions Effectively

Now that you understand the importance of conjunctions, here are some tips to help you use them effectively in your writing:

Be Clear and Concise:

Use conjunctions to clarify the relationship between different parts of your sentence.

This helps prevent misunderstandings and keeps your writing concise.

Vary Your Sentence Structure:

Don’t rely on the same conjunctions or sentence structures repeatedly.

Experiment with different conjunctions to add variety and depth to your writing.

Pay Attention to Punctuation:

Proper punctuation is crucial when using conjunctions.

Remember to use commas before coordinating conjunctions when joining independent clauses.

Avoid Comma Splices:

Be cautious of comma splices, which occur when two independent clauses are incorrectly joined by a comma without a conjunction.

Use a coordinating conjunction or consider using a semicolon or period instead.

Read Aloud:

Before finalizing your writing, read it aloud to check for coherence and flow.

Make sure your conjunctions connect ideas smoothly and naturally.

Practice Makes Perfect

Like any aspect of writing, mastering conjunctions takes practice.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with different conjunctions and sentence structures in your writing.

The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll become with using conjunctions effectively.

Remember, conjunctions are your friends in crafting clear and cohesive writing.

Whether you’re writing an essay, a story, or an email, harness the power of conjunctions to express your ideas with clarity and precision.

So, what are you waiting for?

Go ahead, show your creativity, and let those conjunctions work their magic in your writing!

Now let’s move onto sentences with conjunctions.

Here are some simple sentences with conjunctions:

Sentences with conjunctions – 1


I like apples and bananas.

She wanted to go out, but it was raining.

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You can have pizza or pasta for dinner.

He didn’t want to dance, nor did he want to sing.

We went to the park for a picnic.

It’s late, yet she’s still studying.

I was tired, so I went to bed early.

He stayed home because he was feeling sick.

Although it was hot, she wore a jacket.

He’s been working hard since early morning.

She reads while she eats breakfast.

Call me when you get home.

I’ll go to the party if I finish my homework.

She won’t go outside unless it stops raining.

Wait here until I come back.

I don’t know whether I should stay or leave.

Pizza is better than burgers.

He ran as fast as he could as the bus was leaving.

We’ll eat dinner after the movie ends.

Finish your chores before you play video games.


Sentences with conjunctions – 2


He always checks his phone before going to bed.

She’ll be here after she finishes her work.

If it snows, we’ll build a snowman.

He’ll play soccer unless it rains.

I’ll wait until you’re ready to leave.

Tell me whether you want tea or coffee.

She’s as tall as her brother.

He brushed his teeth and went to bed.

She’s quiet but very intelligent.

You can have cake or ice cream for dessert.

He didn’t study, so he failed the test.

Because it was cold, she wore a jacket.

Although it was late, he went for a run.

She’ll come once she finishes her homework.

When he arrives, we’ll start the meeting.

I’ll be happy if you come to my party.

He’ll help unless he’s busy.

We’ll play outside until it gets dark.

Whether you like it or not, we’re leaving.

She’s faster than her sister.

More cool topics:

Sentences with conjunctions – 3


He enjoys both playing soccer and watching basketball.

She’s tired, yet she keeps working.

You can choose either the blue shirt or the red one.

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He didn’t go to the party, nor did he call to explain why.

We’ll go to the beach for swimming and sunbathing.

It was raining heavily, so they decided to stay indoors.

Because it was her birthday, they threw a surprise party.

Although he was tired, he went for a jog.

She’ll visit her grandparents once she finishes her chores.

When he hears the news, he’ll be thrilled.

I’ll be happy unless it rains on my birthday.

We’ll stay inside until the storm passes.

Whether he likes it or not, he has to go to school.

She’s as smart as she is kind.

He finished his homework before playing video games.

I’ll eat dinner after finishing this chapter.

If you need help, just ask.

He’ll come over unless he has other plans.

We’ll go to the amusement park once the weather improves.

Because it was getting dark, they turned on the lights.


Sentences with conjunctions – 4


She studied hard and aced her exams.

He’s not a fan of spicy food but he enjoys Mexican cuisine.

You can either ride your bike or take the bus to school.

He didn’t bring an umbrella nor did he check the weather forecast.

We went hiking for fresh air and exercise.

The movie was sold out, so we watched a DVD at home.

Because it was sunny, they decided to have a picnic.

Although she was nervous, she gave a fantastic presentation.

He’ll visit his friend’s house once he finishes his homework.

When the bell rings, it’s time for lunch.

I’ll buy the groceries if I have enough money.

She’ll come to the party unless she’s feeling unwell.

We’ll wait until everyone arrives before starting the meeting.

Whether you like it or not, you have to eat your vegetables.

She’s as talented as she is hardworking.

He’ll clean his room before going out to play.

I’ll call you after I finish my dinner.

If it snows, we’ll go sledding.

He’ll join us for dinner unless he has other plans.

We’ll go to the beach once it stops raining.

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