Sentences with “Used to” and its use

Sentences with “Used to” and its use

Sentences with “Used to” and its use

Hello everyone,

Are you confused about when to use “used to” in English sentences?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone!

Many English learners find this phrase tricky to grasp at first, but once you understand how and when to use it, it becomes a valuable tool for expressing past habits or states.

In this lesson, we’ll go into the ins and outs of “used to,” demystifying its usage with simple explanations and plenty of examples.

What Does “Used to” Mean?

“Used to” is a phrase in English that indicates something that was true or habitual in the past but is no longer true in the present.

It is commonly used to talk about past habits, repeated actions, or states that were true for some time but are not true anymore.

How to Use “Used to”

Talking About Past Habits: Use “used to” to talk about things you did regularly in the past but no longer do. For example:

I used to play soccer every weekend when I was a kid.

She used to eat cereal for breakfast, but now she prefers oatmeal.

Describing Past States or Conditions: You can also use “used to” to describe past states or conditions. For instance:

He used to live in Paris before moving to London.

They used to be best friends, but they had a falling out.

Forming Questions and Negatives: When forming questions or negatives with “used to,” use the auxiliary verb “did” and the word “not” (or the contraction “didn’t”). For example:

Did you use to play the guitar?

She didn’t use to like spicy food, but now she loves it.

Contrasting “Used to” with “Would”: Sometimes, “used to” is confused with “would” when talking about past habits. Remember that “used to” is used for past states or habits that were regular or normal, while “would” is used for specific actions or habits.

For example:

I used to go swimming every summer. (regular habit)

I would always swim in the lake when we visited my grandparents. (specific action)

Examples in Context

Let’s see “used to” in action with some examples:

Talking About Past Habits:

Before: I used to walk to school every day.

Now: Now I take the bus.

Describing Past States or Conditions:

Before: She used to live in a small town.

Now: Now she lives in a big city.

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Forming Questions and Negatives:

Question: Did you use to play video games as a child?

Negative: He didn’t use to watch much TV when he was young.

Contrasting “Used to” with “Would”:

Used to: We used to visit our grandparents every summer.

Would: We would always play in the garden when we visited.

Wrapping Up

You now have a better understanding of how and when to use “used to” in English sentences.

Remember, it’s a handy phrase for talking about past habits or states that are no longer true.

Keep practicing, and soon using “used to” will become second nature to you.

Now, let’s move onto sentences with “Used to”.

Read more:

Sentences with “Used to”


I used to wake up early to catch the sunrise.

We used to play hide and seek in the backyard.

She used to have long hair, but she cut it short.

They used to go on family vacations every summer.

He used to be afraid of spiders when he was younger.

Before I got a car, I used to take the bus to work.

My grandparents used to tell me bedtime stories.

Sarah used to bake cookies every Sunday afternoon.

We used to live in a small apartment downtown.

He used to wear glasses, but he got laser eye surgery.

They used to attend the same school before they moved.

I used to collect stamps when I was a kid.

Before I became a vegetarian, I used to eat meat regularly.

We used to celebrate birthdays with big parties.

She used to speak fluent French, but she hasn’t practiced in years.

He used to play the guitar in a band when he was in college.

They used to have a dog, but it passed away last year.

I used to volunteer at the local animal shelter.

Before the pandemic, we used to travel abroad every year.

She used to have a fear of public speaking, but she overcame it.

They used to spend summers at their beach house.

I used to write poetry in my free time.

We used to watch cartoons every Saturday morning.

Before we had smartphones, we used to rely on paper maps for navigation.

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He used to be a heavy smoker, but he quit for health reasons.

They used to go dancing at the club every weekend.

I used to have a part-time job during high school.

She used to believe in ghosts when she was younger.

We used to have picnics in the park on sunny days.

Before I learned to cook, I used to eat out a lot.

Sentences with “Used to”


My grandmother used to bake cookies every Sunday afternoon.

Before I got my driver’s license, I used to walk to school every day.

We used to have family picnics in the park during the summer.

He used to be afraid of the dark when he was younger.

Sarah used to play the piano, but she doesn’t anymore.

They used to live in a small town, but now they live in the city.

Before smartphones became popular, people used to rely on landline phones.

I used to believe in ghosts when I was a child.

We used to go camping in the mountains every year.

My dad used to smoke, but he quit years ago.

She used to wear braces to straighten her teeth.

Before the pandemic, I used to travel abroad at least once a year.

They used to go fishing together every weekend.

My grandparents used to tell me stories about their childhood.

We used to have a dog named Max when I was a kid.

Before digital cameras, people used to use film cameras to take pictures.

I used to collect stamps when I was younger.

Sarah used to work as a waitress before she became a teacher.

We used to go sledding down the hill behind our house in winter.

He used to have long hair, but he cut it short last year.

Before Netflix, we used to rent movies from the video store.

I used to take swimming lessons every summer.

They used to go to the same school, but now they’re in different colleges.

My mom used to knit sweaters for us when we were kids.

Before the internet, people used to look up information in encyclopedias.

We used to have a vegetable garden in our backyard.

He used to play basketball competitively, but now he just plays for fun.

Before the gym opened in our neighborhood, we used to exercise at home.

She used to dye her hair blonde, but now she prefers her natural color.

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I used to stay up late reading books under the covers with a flashlight.

Sentences with “Used to”

Before I moved to the city, I used to stargaze every night in the countryside.

They used to host barbecues in their backyard during the summer months.

I used to be allergic to cats, but I’ve outgrown it over the years.

We used to volunteer at the local shelter every weekend.

Before online shopping became popular, people used to visit malls for their purchases.

She used to be a vegetarian, but now she occasionally eats meat.

They used to ride their bikes to school together when they were kids.

I used to have a fear of public speaking, but I’ve overcome it through practice.

We used to build sandcastles at the beach every summer vacation.

Before we had a dishwasher, we used to wash dishes by hand.

He used to write poetry in his free time, but he hasn’t done so in years.

She used to have a part-time job at the bookstore while she was in college.

They used to take road trips across the country during their summer breaks.

I used to play the flute in the school band when I was younger.

We used to celebrate Halloween by dressing up and going trick-or-treating.

Before we had smartphones, we used to use paper maps for navigation.

She used to have a collection of vintage records from the 1960s.

They used to attend dance classes together every Saturday morning.

I used to have a crush on my neighbor when I was a teenager.

Before we had a car, we used to rely on public transportation to get around the city.

He used to write love letters to his girlfriend before they got married.

We used to have family game nights every Friday evening.

She used to take ballet lessons when she was a little girl.

They used to visit their grandparents in the countryside during school holidays.

I used to have a fear of heights, but I conquered it by going rock climbing.

Before I became a teacher, I used to work in marketing.

We used to have movie marathons with friends on weekends.

She used to knit sweaters for her newborn niece.

They used to go on hikes in the mountains during the fall foliage season.

I used to write in a journal every night before going to bed.

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