English Short Stories for kids, Learn English through Stories

English Short Stories | Short Stories in English to Read

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Parallel Worlds

Dr. Sam Jones was a normal scientist working in his lab one day. He was trying to make a new machine to study tiny bits of matter.

But something went wrong. There was a big flash and a loud boom!

When the smoke cleared, Sam saw a glowing circle in the air. It looked like a doorway made of light. He couldn’t believe his eyes! Without thinking, he stepped through it.

Suddenly, Sam found himself in a place that looked just like his lab, but things were a bit off. The walls were painted blue instead of white.

His desk was on the other side of the room. Even the clock on the wall was ticking backwards!

Sam walked out of the lab, feeling very confused. The hallway looked almost the same, but all the signs were written backwards. When he got outside, things got even weirder.

The sky was a pale orange color instead of blue. Cars were driving on the left side of the road. People’s clothes looked similar, but the colors were all mixed up in strange ways.

Sam saw a man wearing a suit made of different colored patches, like a clown outfit!

As he walked down the street, Sam noticed more differences. The trees had purple leaves instead of green. Dogs were meowing and cats were barking.

He saw a newspaper stand and picked up a paper. The date was right, but all the news stories were about things that never happened in his world.

Sam started to understand. He had somehow opened a door to a parallel world – a place just like his own, but with lots of small changes. Everything was familiar, yet different at the same time.

He decided to explore more. In a park, he saw people playing a game that looked like a mix of soccer and basketball. The ball changed color every time someone touched it!

At a restaurant, Sam ordered a burger. But when it came, the bun was square and the meat was blue! It tasted like chicken and strawberries.

The drink he got was hot and fizzy, even though he asked for cold water.

As he walked, Sam met people who looked just like friends from his world. But they had different names and personalities.

His best friend Tom was now called Tim and worked as a lion tamer instead of an accountant.

Sam found the house where he lived in his world. A family was living there, but it wasn’t his family.

They had the same last name as him, but everything else was different.

He started to feel scared and alone. How could he get back to his own world? Would he be stuck here forever?

Then Sam had an idea. If he could find this world’s version of himself, maybe that Sam would know how to help!

He went back to the lab where he first arrived.

There he found the other Sam, working on a machine just like the one that brought him here. They were both shocked to see each other!

The two Sams talked for hours, sharing stories about their different worlds.

Together, they figured out how to recreate the portal. It took days of hard work, but finally they did it. A glowing doorway appeared, just like before.

Before he left, Sam said goodbye to his other self. They had become friends, even though they were the same person from different worlds. Sam stepped through the portal and found himself back in his own lab.

Everything was back to normal. The walls were white, his desk was in the right place, and the clock ticked the right way.

Sam was happy to be home, but he would never forget his amazing trip to the parallel world.

From that day on, Sam looked at his own world differently. He realized that even small changes could make a big difference.

And he always wondered what other strange and wonderful worlds might be out there, just waiting to be discovered.

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English Short Stories | Short Stories in English to Read

Lost in the Forest

Once upon a time, five friends named Tom, Sarah, Mike, Emily, and Jack decided to go camping in the big forest near their town.

They were excited to spend time in nature, roast marshmallows, and tell scary stories around the campfire.

The friends packed their bags with tents, sleeping bags, food, and water. They also brought a map and a compass, just in case.

On Saturday morning, they drove to the edge of the forest and started hiking to find a good spot to set up camp.

As they walked deeper into the forest, the trees got taller and closer together. The sunlight barely peeked through the thick leaves above them.

After a few hours of walking, they found a nice clearing next to a small stream. It was the perfect place to camp!

The friends worked together to set up their tents and gather wood for the fire. They laughed and joked as they cooked hot dogs and made s’mores.

As the sun went down, they sat around the fire telling funny stories about school and their families.

The next morning, they woke up early to go on a hike. They wanted to explore more of the forest before heading home.

Tom suggested they leave their heavy bags at the campsite and just take some snacks and water with them. Everyone agreed it was a good idea.

As they walked, they saw beautiful flowers, colorful birds, and even a family of deer. They were having so much fun that they didn’t notice how far they had gone.

After a few hours, Sarah realized they were lost. The trees all looked the same, and they couldn’t remember which way they had come from.

The friends started to worry. They tried using the compass, but it didn’t seem to work right in the dense forest.

The map they brought was back at the campsite with their other stuff. As it got later in the day, the forest began to look different. The shadows grew longer, and strange noises echoed through the trees.

Suddenly, Emily pointed to something moving in the bushes. It was a small, furry creature they had never seen before.

It had big, glowing eyes and long, floppy ears. The creature looked at them and then hopped away quickly.

“Let’s follow it!” said Mike. “Maybe it knows the way out.”

The friends chased after the strange animal, ducking under branches and jumping over fallen logs. As they ran, they saw more weird creatures.

There were tiny, glowing bugs that floated in the air like fireflies, but they were all different colors.

They also spotted a group of tall, thin animals that looked like a mix between a giraffe and a tree.

The forest got darker and darker as night fell. The friends were tired, hungry, and scared. They huddled together, trying to stay warm and calm.

Just when they thought things couldn’t get any stranger, they heard a soft, gentle voice.

“Are you lost, little ones?”

They turned around and saw an old woman standing behind them. She wore a cloak made of leaves and flowers, and her white hair seemed to glow in the moonlight. The woman smiled kindly at them.

“Don’t be afraid,” she said. “I am the spirit of the forest. I’ve been watching you, and I can help you find your way back.”

The friends were amazed but felt relieved to have found help. The forest spirit waved her hand, and all the strange creatures they had seen earlier appeared.

She asked them to guide the children back to their campsite.

The glowing bugs lit up the path, while the furry creature with big eyes hopped ahead to show the way.

The tall giraffe-tree animals used their long necks to push aside branches, making it easier for the friends to walk.

As they traveled through the night, the forest spirit told them stories about the magical creatures that lived in the woods.

She explained that only people with pure hearts could see them, which is why the friends had never noticed them before.

Finally, just as the sun was starting to rise, they reached their campsite. The friends were overjoyed to see their tents and belongings.

They turned to thank the forest spirit and the magical creatures, but they had all disappeared.

The five friends quickly packed up their things and headed back to the forest edge where they had parked their car.

On the way home, they talked about their amazing adventure. They promised each other to always stick together and be more careful when exploring new places.

When they got back to town, nobody believed their story about the magical forest creatures and the kind spirit.

But the friends knew what they had seen was real. They had learned an important lesson about respecting nature and the importance of being prepared.

From that day on, whenever they looked at the forest from their town, they smiled, knowing it held wonderful secrets.

And sometimes, if they looked very carefully, they could spot a pair of big, glowing eyes peeking out from between the trees, reminding them of their extraordinary journey.

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