English Vocabulary: 40 Emotion Words to Express How You Feel

Hello everyone,

Emotions are a fundamental part of the human experience.

They add color, depth, and richness to our lives.

While we all feel emotions, sometimes it can be difficult to find the right words to describe them.

This post explores 40 common emotion words in English to help build your emotional vocabulary.

Being able to label and express feelings in a nuanced way can lead to better self-awareness, communication, and connections with others.


Let’s start with one of the most positive emotions – happiness. This warm feeling of joy, contentment, and well-being touches every part of us.


The opposite of happiness, sadness is a feeling of sorrow, grief, or unhappiness. Even brief periods of sadness are part of the ebb and flow of life.


Anger is a strong feeling of annoyance, displeasure, or hostility. It often comes from a perceived injustice or threat.


Fear and being afraid refer to feelings of worry, anxiety, and being scared or terrified about a possible danger or threat.


Disappointment is the feeling of dissatisfaction that comes from hopes or expectations not being met. It’s a common emotional response.


The high energy emotion of feeling very enthusiastic and eager about something. Children often feel excitement about upcoming events.


Boredom is the feeling of being weary or restless because you have nothing to do that interests you. It’s the opposite of being engaged.


A common emotion when things are unclear or don’t make sense. Confusion leaves you feeling puzzled or perplexed.


Jealousy is the feeling of resentment or bitterness towards someone else’s success, advantage, or perceived superior qualities.


Guilt is the feeling you did something wrong, made a mistake, or failed in your responsibilities. It often motivates people to make amends.


The positive emotion of feeling dignity and self-respect from your achievements or those of others you have a close connection with.


A milder form of anger, feeling annoyed is irritated or bothered by someone or something for a period of time.


The uncomfortable feeling of being self-conscious and awkward, often after saying or doing something awkward in public. Blushing commonly accompanies embarrassment.


The feeling of being tense, overwhelmed, or unable to cope with mental or emotional pressure. Stress takes a toll on our health.


Confidence is the feeling of being self-assured and having trust in your abilities, judgments, and decision-making.


Gratitude and feeling grateful is the warm sense of appreciation for someone or something good in your life.


More than just physical pain, the emotion of feeling hurt describes deep emotional anguish, sadness, or distress.


The profound feeling of sadness from being alone and without companionship or support from others. Loneliness is difficult.


A positive emotion, feeling loved is the warmth and connection that comes from knowing others deeply care for and appreciate you.


The brief feeling of being caught off-guard or unprepared for something unexpected to happen. Surprises can be good or bad.


Feeling frustrated comes from being stuck, annoyed, or discouraged because of difficulties obstructing your progress.


The positive feeling of having hope is the expectation, desire, and sense of confidence that something good will happen.


Anxiety is the uneasy feeling of worry, apprehension, or fear about something, often about future uncertainties or problems.


The strong feeling of revulsion or disapproval towards something offensive, unpleasant, or indecent. It’s often an instinctive reaction.


Feeling amused is the pleasant feeling of being entertained in a lighthearted way, often by humor or something funny.


Curiosity is the desire to learn, explore, and gain more knowledge and truth about the fascinating world around us.


Closely related to jealousy, envy is the feeling of resentment or covetousness towards another person’s advantages or possessions.


Insecurity is the sense of lacking confidence, uncertainties, and anxieties about oneself. It can breed self-doubt.


The positive feeling of being optimistic is having hopefulness and confidence about the successful outcome of something.


In contrast, the feeling of being pessimistic is one of cynicism, doubtfulness, and expecting negative outcomes or failures.


A profound feeling of being regretful means feeling remorse, sorrow, or guilt for something you did or didn’t do in the past.


The positive feeling of being relieved comes from the reassurance and relaxation felt after stress, worry, or distress is removed.


Shyness is the feeling of being reserved, timid, and tending to avoid social situations due to apprehension or a lack of confidence.


Being suspicious is the feeling of doubting someone’s motives or actions based on a feeling they may be lying or guilty of wrongdoing.


A thoughtful person conscientiously considers things deeply and carefully weighs information before making judgments.


The uneasy and unpleasant feeling of being uncomfortable can involve physical, emotional, or psychological distress.


Having a sense of interest is the feeling of curiosity, fascination, and wanting to learn more about a particular topic or activity.


Worry is the anxious and repetitive feeling about actual or potential problems. It often involves overthinking.


Being sympathetic means having feelings of care, concern, pity, and compassion for someone else’s suffering or misfortune.


A heightened level of being joyful, feeling overjoyed is an intense emotion of being ecstatic, elated, and jubilant with happiness.

Being able to identify, express, and understand emotions is an important part of building self-awareness, connecting with others, and living a fuller life.

So, express your emotions in a confident manner.

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