150 Simple Exclamatory Sentences

150 Simple Exclamatory Sentences

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There are 150 simple exclamatory sentences:

  1. What a beautiful day!
  2. How wonderful this place is!
  3. Oh my goodness!
  4. What a surprise!
  5. How exciting this is!
  6. What a lovely dress!
  7. What a great game!
  8. How delicious this food is!
  9. Wow, this is amazing!
  10. How funny that joke was!
  11. What an interesting book!
  12. How sweet of you!
  13. What a nice gift!
  14. Oh, that’s so kind!
  15. How wonderful to see you!
  16. What a lovely smile!
  17. How big this tree is!
  18. Wow, this movie is so good!
  19. What a fantastic show!
  20. How clean this room is!
  21. What a beautiful flower!
  22. How fast you run!
  23. What a great idea!
  24. How smart you are!
  25. What a cute baby!
  26. Oh, I can’t believe it!
  27. How lucky we are!
  28. What a lovely song!
  29. How brave she is!
  30. What a colorful painting!
  31. How great that sounds!
  32. What a wonderful surprise!
  33. How amazing this view is!
  34. What a clever solution!
  35. How tasty these cookies are!
  36. What an incredible story!
  37. How strong you are!
  38. What a beautiful sunset!
  39. How fast the time flies!
  40. What a perfect day!
  41. How lovely this weather is!
  42. What a nice person you are!
  43. How cute that dog is!
  44. What a perfect match!
  45. How smart you look today!
  46. What a wonderful evening!
  47. How sweet of you to help!
  48. What an amazing performance!
  49. How warm the sun feels!
  50. What a great friend you are!
  51. How quiet this place is!
  52. What a fantastic trip!
  53. How hard she works!
  54. What a great team we are!
  55. How bright the stars are tonight!
  56. What a beautiful rainbow!
  57. How calm the sea is today!
  58. What a fun game that was!
  59. How high that bird flew!
  60. What a pleasant surprise!
  61. How sweet that sound is!
  62. What a huge building!
  63. How gentle that breeze is!
  64. What a beautiful painting!
  65. How strong the wind is!
  66. What an interesting idea!
  67. How amazing your talent is!
  68. What a clever thought!
  69. How soft this pillow is!
  70. What a great place to visit!
  71. How fast you are!
  72. What a friendly dog!
  73. How quiet it is here!
  74. What a nice surprise this is!
  75. How smooth the road is!
  76. What a lovely melody!
  77. How tall that tree is!
  78. What a delicious dish!
  79. How amazing the performance was!
  80. What a good time we had!
  81. How wonderful that sounds!
  82. What a beautiful dress you have!
  83. How cute the kittens are!
  84. What a strong cup of coffee!
  85. How brilliant the idea is!
  86. What a gorgeous sunset!
  87. How comfortable this chair is!
  88. What a funny movie that was!
  89. How healthy you look!
  90. What a fun party!
  91. How smart that looks!
  92. What a clever trick!
  93. How delicious that cake is!
  94. What an exciting adventure!
  95. How fantastic that was!
  96. What a lovely vacation!
  97. How bright the moon is tonight!
  98. What a peaceful place!
  99. How fast the car is!
  100. What a wonderful memory!
  101. How beautiful the garden is!
  102. What a nice gesture!
  103. How fast the train is moving!
  104. What a great performance!
  105. How lovely that outfit is!
  106. What a creative idea!
  107. How cold the water is!
  108. What an exciting game!
  109. How beautiful your painting is!
  110. What a fun ride that was!
  111. How sweet that song is!
  112. What a lovely home you have!
  113. How bright the sun is today!
  114. What a lovely dress you’re wearing!
  115. How smooth the surface is!
  116. What a fun day it has been!
  117. How wonderful the world is!
  118. What an incredible journey!
  119. How soft that bed feels!
  120. What a great idea that is!
  121. How pretty those flowers are!
  122. What a lovely park this is!
  123. How cute your dog is!
  124. What a wonderful time I had!
  125. How impressive that performance was!
  126. What a fantastic person you are!
  127. How warm your smile is!
  128. What a beautiful view from here!
  129. How smooth the lake water is!
  130. What a fun experience!
  131. How lovely the birds are singing!
  132. What a peaceful moment this is!
  133. How huge this building is!
  134. What a friendly atmosphere!
  135. How quiet this night is!
  136. What a beautiful dress you’re wearing!
  137. How lovely the weather is today!
  138. What a wonderful place this is!
  139. How delightful this food is!
  140. What a cozy home you have!
  141. How sweet your words are!
  142. What a great idea to go there!
  143. How sweet the fragrance is!
  144. What a lovely evening it is!
  145. How beautiful the city looks at night!
  146. What a great show that was!
  147. How wonderful the flowers smell!
  148. What a breathtaking scene!
  149. How fast they are running!
  150. What a beautiful sunset we have!

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