40 Phrasal Verbs for Expressing Opinions and Beliefs
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There are 40 phrasal verbs for expressing opinions and beliefs, with their meanings and sentences in simple language:
Agree with
Meaning: To have the same opinion.
Sentence: I agree with you about the movie. It was great!
Disagree with
Meaning: To not have the same opinion.
Sentence: I disagree with her view on this issue.
Think over
Meaning: To consider carefully.
Sentence: I need to think over your suggestion before I decide.
Go along with
Meaning: To agree to do something.
Sentence: I’ll go along with your plan if you think it’s best.
Come around to
Meaning: To change your opinion to agree with someone else.
Sentence: He’ll come around to my way of thinking eventually.
Look at
Meaning: To consider or think about something in a particular way.
Sentence: Let’s look at the situation from a different perspective.
Point out
Meaning: To mention something important.
Sentence: She pointed out that the idea might not work.
Back up
Meaning: To support someone’s opinion.
Sentence: I will back up your argument if they ask me.
Run by
Meaning: To tell someone about something to get their opinion.
Sentence: I want to run my idea by you before the meeting.
Stand by
Meaning: To support someone even when others disagree.
Sentence: I will stand by you no matter what happens.
Talk over
Meaning: To discuss something with someone.
Sentence: Let’s talk over your thoughts about the project.
Sum up
Meaning: To give a brief summary of what was said.
Sentence: Let me sum up my opinion on this topic.
Speak up
Meaning: To say what you believe or think.
Sentence: You should speak up if you disagree.
Come up with
Meaning: To think of or create an idea.
Sentence: She came up with a great solution for the problem.
Settle on
Meaning: To decide on something after thinking about it.
Sentence: We’ve settled on a time for the meeting.
Figure out
Meaning: To understand or find an answer.
Sentence: I’m trying to figure out the best way to solve this issue.
Go with
Meaning: To choose something based on preference.
Sentence: I think I’ll go with the red shirt.
Bring up
Meaning: To mention a topic or idea.
Sentence: He brought up an interesting point during the discussion.
Take to
Meaning: To start liking something or someone.
Sentence: I really take to his way of thinking.
Bring around
Meaning: To change someone’s opinion.
Sentence: I hope to bring her around to my side.
Tell off
Meaning: To express anger or disapproval.
Sentence: He told me off for being late to the meeting.
Warm to
Meaning: To begin to like or support something.
Sentence: I didn’t like the idea at first, but I’m warming to it now.
Call for
Meaning: To require or need something.
Sentence: This situation calls for quick action.
Put forward
Meaning: To suggest an idea.
Sentence: I put forward a new proposal during the meeting.
Put across
Meaning: To express or explain something clearly.
Sentence: She put across her idea in a very clear way.
Talk into
Meaning: To persuade someone to do something.
Sentence: I talked him into going to the party.
Think ahead
Meaning: To plan or consider the future.
Sentence: We need to think ahead before making a decision.
Set out
Meaning: To begin to do something with a specific goal.
Sentence: I set out to change their minds about the plan.
Give in
Meaning: To agree to something after resisting it.
Sentence: I finally gave in and agreed with their idea.
Lay out
Meaning: To explain something clearly.
Sentence: He laid out his reasons for disagreeing with the proposal.
Come to
Meaning: To reach a decision or opinion.
Sentence: I’ve come to the conclusion that we should wait.
Hold to
Meaning: To continue believing in something.
Sentence: She holds to the belief that honesty is always the best policy.
Look down on
Meaning: To think someone or something is not as good as you.
Sentence: He looks down on people who don’t share his views.
Look up to
Meaning: To admire someone or their ideas.
Sentence: I look up to her for her honesty.
Turn down
Meaning: To reject or refuse something.
Sentence: I had to turn down their offer because it didn’t suit me.
Go against
Meaning: To oppose something or someone.
Sentence: I don’t want to go against your ideas, but I disagree.
Give up on
Meaning: To stop having belief or hope in something or someone.
Sentence: I won’t give up on this idea yet.
Look forward to
Meaning: To feel excited about something that will happen.
Sentence: I’m looking forward to hearing your opinion.
Make up your mind
Meaning: To decide something after thinking about it.
Sentence: You need to make up your mind soon about the project.
Agree to
Meaning: To accept or approve something.
Sentence: They agreed to the terms of the contract.
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