40 Tech and Gadget-Related Words
40 Tech and Gadget-Related Words
Here’s a fun and friendly list of 40 tech and gadget-related words along with their meanings:
1. Algorithm
- A set of rules or steps for solving a problem or performing a task, like a recipe for your computer.
2. App
- Short for “application,” it’s a program or piece of software designed for a specific purpose, like Instagram for sharing photos.
3. Bluetooth
- A wireless technology for exchanging data over short distances, like connecting your headphones to your phone.
4. Cloud Computing
- Storing and accessing data and programs over the internet instead of on your computer’s hard drive.
5. CPU (Central Processing Unit)
- The brain of your computer that performs calculations and processes instructions.
6. Debugging
- The process of finding and fixing errors in software or hardware.
7. Drone
- A flying gadget controlled remotely or autonomously, often used for photography or delivery.
8. Firmware
9. Gadget
- A small, clever tool or device, like a smart speaker or a fitness tracker.
10. GPS (Global Positioning System)
11. IoT (Internet of Things)
12. JavaScript
13. Kernel
14. Machine Learning
15. Modem
16. Operating System
17. Pixel
18. RAM (Random Access Memory)
19. Router
20. Sensor
More vocabulary:
21. Server
22. Software
23. Smartphone
24. Streaming
25. Tablet
26. USB (Universal Serial Bus)
27. Virus
28. Virtual Reality (VR)
29. Web Browser
30. Wi-Fi
31. Widget
32. XML (Extensible Markup Language)
33. Firmware Update
34. Augmented Reality (AR)
35. Network
36. Encryption
37. Backup
38. API (Application Programming Interface)
39. Chatbot
40. Wearable
To remember vocabulary well, try different methods that suit how you learn.
-Begin with flashcards for practicing words over and over.
-Use new words in sentences and talks to get more comfortable with them.
-Pictures can help you remember words better.
-Also, learn words in stories or while listening to help you remember how to use them.
-Keep reviewing and practicing and connect new words to ones you already know.
These tricks will help you remember and use new words better.