40 Words Related to Food and Drink

40 Words Related to Food and Drink

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40 Words Related to Food and Drink

Here’s a tasty list of 40 words related to food and drink, complete with their meanings.


Appetizer – A small dish served before the main meal to stimulate the appetite.

Barbecue – A method of cooking meat on a grill over an open fire.

Beverage – A drink, especially one other than water.

Bisque – A rich, creamy soup made from shellfish.

Brunch – A meal that combines breakfast and lunch, usually eaten late in the morning.

Buffet – A meal where guests serve themselves from a variety of dishes set out on a table.

Café – A small restaurant serving coffee, drinks, and light meals.

Casserole – A dish made by cooking meat, vegetables, or other ingredients slowly in an oven.

Chowder – A thick, chunky soup, typically made with seafood.

Cuisine – A style of cooking, especially one characteristic of a particular country or region.

Decanter – A vessel used to hold the decantation of a liquid which may contain sediment.

Dessert – The sweet course eaten at the end of a meal.

Entrée – The main course of a meal in American English; a starter in British English.

More vocabulary:

Fermentation – The chemical breakdown of a substance by bacteria, yeasts, or other microorganisms, often used in brewing and baking.

GarnishAn item or substance used as a decoration or embellishment accompanying a prepared food dish.

GelatoAn Italian-style ice cream that is denser and smoother than regular ice cream.

Gourmet – High-quality or exotic food prepared with precision and artistry.

Herb – A plant or plant part valued for its medicinal, savory, or aromatic qualities.

Hors d’oeuvre – A small savory dish typically served as an appetizer at the beginning of a meal.

Infusion – The process of steeping something (like tea leaves or herbs) in liquid to extract its flavor.

Juice – The liquid that is naturally contained in fruit and vegetables.

MarinateTo soak food in a seasoned liquid before cooking to add flavor.

Mocktail – A non-alcoholic cocktail.

Pastry – A dough of flour, water, and shortening that may be sweetened or savory.

Pâté – A mixture of cooked ground meat and fat minced into a spreadable paste.

PickleTo preserve food in vinegar or brine.

PureeTo blend or grind food until it becomes a smooth, thick liquid.

Quiche – A savory pie filled with custard, cheese, meat, seafood, or vegetables.

Ramekin – A small dish used for baking individual servings.

RisottoAn Italian dish of rice cooked with broth until it reaches a creamy consistency.

SautéTo cook food quickly in a small amount of oil or fat over high heat.

Scone – A small, lightly sweetened biscuit-like cake.

Smoothie – A thick, smooth drink made by blending fruits, vegetables, and other ingredients.

Sommelier – A wine steward, typically in a fine dining restaurant.

Sorbet – A frozen dessert made from sweetened water with flavoring (typically fruit juice or purée).

Tapa – A small Spanish savory dish, typically served with drinks at a bar.

Umami – A category of taste in food (besides sweet, sour, salty, and bitter), often described as savory.

Vegan – A person who does not eat or use animal products.

Zest – The outer peel of citrus fruit used to add flavor to dishes.

Zucchini – A summer squash that can be eaten raw or cooked.

Enjoy exploring these delicious and intriguing terms!

How to remember words in an easy way

To remember vocabulary well, try different methods that suit how you learn.

-Begin with flashcards for practicing words over and over.

-Use new words in sentences and talks to get more comfortable with them.

-Pictures can help you remember words better.

-Also, learn words in stories or while listening to help you remember how to use them.

-Keep reviewing and practicing and connect new words to ones you already know.

These tricks will help you remember and use new words better.

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