40 Words Related to Social Issues / Problems

Expand Vocabulary: 40 Words Related to Social Issues / Problems

Expand Vocabulary: 40 Words Related to Social Issues / Problems

Hello everyone,

Here’s a list of 40 words related to social issues and problems, along with their meanings:

Inequality – Unequal distribution of resources or opportunities among people.

Discrimination – Unfair treatment of individuals based on characteristics like race, gender, or age.

Poverty – The state of being extremely poor, lacking basic needs like food, shelter, and healthcare.

Prejudice – Preconceived opinions or judgments about individuals based on their group membership.

Racism – Belief that one race is superior to others, leading to discriminatory behavior and policies.

Homelessness – The condition of not having a stable place to live.

Bullying – Repeated aggressive behavior intended to intimidate or harm others.

Climate Change – Long-term shifts in temperature and weather patterns caused by human activity.

Unemployment – The state of being jobless and actively seeking work.

Justice – Fair treatment and a legal system that upholds the rights of all individuals.

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Violence – Physical force intended to harm or intimidate others.

Corruption – Dishonest or unethical conduct by those in power, often involving bribery or fraud.

Exploitation – Taking unfair advantage of individuals or resources for personal gain.

Mental Health – Emotional and psychological well-being, including the absence of mental illness.

Addiction – Dependence on substances or behaviors that interfere with daily life.

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Education – The process of acquiring knowledge and skills, which can be a factor in addressing social inequalities.

Healthcare – Services and support for maintaining physical and mental well-being.

Refugees – People forced to flee their home country due to conflict, persecution, or disaster.

Gender Equality – Equal rights and opportunities regardless of gender.

Human Rights – Basic freedoms and protections that every person is entitled to.

Income Gap – The disparity between the earnings of different groups in society.

Accessibility – The design of products, environments, and services to be usable by all people.

Substance Abuse – Harmful use of substances like drugs or alcohol, leading to negative effects on health and life.

Civil Rights – The rights of citizens to political and social freedom and equality.

Child Abuse – Physical, emotional, or sexual mistreatment of children.

Sexual Harassment – Unwanted and inappropriate behavior of a sexual nature in the workplace or other settings.

Social Justice – The pursuit of a fair and just society where everyone’s rights are respected.

Food Insecurity – The lack of consistent access to sufficient and nutritious food.

Disability Rights – Ensuring that individuals with disabilities have equal opportunities and access.

Economic Inequality – Disparities in wealth and resources among different groups in society.

Public Safety – Protection of citizens from crime and harm.

Digital Divide – The gap between those with access to technology and those without.

Affordable Housing – Housing that is reasonably priced for individuals or families with low to moderate incomes.

Sexism – Discrimination based on a person’s sex or gender.

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Community Support – Assistance provided by individuals or groups to help others in their community.

Displacement – Being forced to leave one’s home or community, often due to conflict or natural disasters.

Ethnic Diversity – The presence of a variety of ethnic groups within a society.

Voting Rights – The rights of individuals to participate in elections and have their voices heard.

Sustainability – Practices that meet current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.

Activism – Efforts to bring about social or political change through various forms of protest or advocacy.

I hope this list helps you explore these important topics! 😊

Here are some effective ways to remember new words:

Use the word in context: Write sentences using the new word.

Visualize: Create a mental image associated with the word.

Mnemonics: Use memory tricks like acronyms or rhymes.

Repetition: Review the word regularly over time.

Group words: Organize related words together.

Word association: Link the new word to one you already know.

Write it down: The act of writing helps reinforce memory.

Teach others: Explaining the word to someone else solidifies your understanding.

Use flashcards: Test yourself regularly.

Learn word roots, prefixes, and suffixes: Understanding word parts can help you guess meanings.

Use the word in conversation: Practical application aids retention.

Create a story: Weave new words into a memorable narrative.


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