50 Sentences Using Collocations with "Take"

50 Sentences Using Collocations with “Take”

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There are 50 sentences with English collocations using “take”. Each collocation is highlighted in bold for clarity.

  1. She decided to take a break after working all day.
  2. It’s important to take responsibility for your actions.
  3. They take pride in their cultural heritage.
  4. Let’s take a walk in the park.
  5. He needed to take a deep breath before starting his speech.
  6. You should take a chance and apply for the job.
  7. Please take your time while answering the questions.
  8. Can you take a look at this report for me?
  9. The students were asked to take notes during the lecture.
  10. I always take care of my plants.
  11. Don’t forget to take a photo of the sunset!
  12. She had to take a taxi to get to the airport on time.
  13. He decided to take a risk and start his own business.
  14. Please take a seat, and we’ll begin shortly.
  15. Let’s take advantage of the sunny weather and go to the beach.
  16. She likes to take part in community events.
  17. You need to take action if you want to see results.
  18. He doesn’t know how to take criticism gracefully.
  19. Did you take a trip during the holidays?
  20. We need to take precautions to avoid accidents.
  21. Don’t forget to take medicine as prescribed by the doctor.
  22. Can I take a message for him while he’s out?
  23. I need to take a shower before the party.
  24. Let’s take a break and grab some coffee.
  25. It’s time to take control of your finances.
  26. She decided to take a day off to relax.
  27. He was asked to take the lead on the project.
  28. You should take into account the weather when planning the trip.
  29. It’s essential to take notice of the safety guidelines.
  30. He had to take a stand on the issue.
  31. Let’s take a vote on the new proposal.
  32. Please take it easy and rest for a while.
  33. I had to take a test to qualify for the program.
  34. She doesn’t like to take risks unnecessarily.
  35. The teacher asked him to take responsibility for his behavior.
  36. You should take some time to think about your decision.
  37. Don’t forget to take a nap if you’re feeling tired.
  38. He was asked to take the blame for the mistake.
  39. Let’s take a step back and reassess the situation.
  40. They had to take cover during the storm.
  41. She didn’t want to take sides in the argument.
  42. He tried to take credit for her idea.
  43. Please take turns while speaking in the meeting.
  44. You’ll need to take up a hobby to manage your stress.
  45. They decided to take a chance and move to a new city.
  46. Let’s take the opportunity to learn something new.
  47. She loves to take long walks on the beach.
  48. You must take charge of the situation before it worsens.
  49. Please take a moment to appreciate the beautiful view.
  50. They had to take a step forward to achieve their goals.

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