Conjunctions: Linking Words for Powerful Sentences

Conjunctions: Linking Words for Powerful Sentences

Conjunctions: Linking Words for Powerful Sentences

Hello everyone,

Conjunctions are little words that pack a big punch.

They link words, phrases, and clauses together to form longer and more complex sentences.

Without conjunctions, our speech and writing would be full of short, simple sentences that might get a bit boring and repetitive after a while.

These mighty linking words allow us to connect our thoughts and ideas more naturally and fluidly.

They signal relationships between parts of a sentence, adding more details, showing contrast or choice, or indicating reason and result.

Let’s explore 30 of the most common conjunctions in English along with plenty of examples to help you master their use.

I’ll group them by the main types of relationships they express.

Adding Information

These conjunctions allow you to expand a sentence by adding more details or joining similar ideas together:


  • I packed my lunch and a snack for the hike.
  • The dress is blue and has polka dots.


  • The project is due Monday. I also need to study for my math test.
  • He brought snacks and also helped set up the event.

As well as

  • They ordered pizza as well as wings for the party.
  • The meeting covered budget updates as well as upcoming projects.

In addition (to)

  • She plays soccer. In addition, she is on the debate team.
  • We need milk and eggs in addition to the other ingredients.


  • The laptop is lightweight. Furthermore, it has a long battery life.
  • The candidate is well-qualified. Furthermore, they have years of relevant experience.


  • Classes are challenging this semester. Moreover, I have a part-time job.
  • The policy is unpopular. Moreover, it’s difficult to implement.
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Showing Contrast

When you want to indicate a difference or opposite idea, use one of these conjunctions:


  • I wanted pasta, but we had tacos instead.
  • The movie was good, but the book was better.

More interesting topics:


  • It was an expensive purchase yet totally worth it.
  • He studied very hard yet still didn’t pass the test.


  • The weather was nice. However, we decided to stay inside.
  • I enjoy cooking. However, I don’t like washing dishes afterwards.

On the other hand

  • Getting a puppy is fun. On the other hand, it’s a big responsibility.
  • You could get a full-time job. On the other hand, an internship provides great experience.


  • I don’t want cake. I’ll have ice cream instead.
  • We’re not driving. We’ll take the train instead.

Rather than

  • I prefer going to the park rather than staying home.
  • Rather than buy a new one, I’ll get my laptop repaired.

Indicating Choice

These words suggest an alternative or a possibility to consider:


  • Would you like chocolate or vanilla ice cream?
  • We can go to the park or stay home and watch a movie.


  • We can either take my car or yours.
  • You’ll need to decide either to get the job done now or wait until later.


  • Neither Ben nor Jessica is available to work this weekend.
  • I like neither horror movies nor comedies very much.
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  • Finish your homework, or else you can’t watch TV tonight.
  • If you don’t water the plants, they’ll die or else become very dry.


  • I’d better leave early, or otherwise I’ll be late for my appointment.
  • Pack an umbrella, otherwise you might get wet in the rain.

Showing Reason or Cause

When you want to explain why something happened or the reason behind an idea, try these conjunctions:


  • I’m leaving work early because I have a doctor’s appointment.
  • She was tired because she stayed up too late last night.


  • Since you already did the dishes, I’ll take out the trash.
  • I’ve been practicing tennis since I was a kid.


  • As it was getting dark, we headed back inside.
  • As I mentioned before, tomatoes are my favorite food.


  • I took the bus for it’s better for the environment.
  • She studied hard for she wanted to get good grades.

Indicating Result

On the flip side, these words signal the outcome or effect that happened:


  • I was craving something sweet, so I baked some cookies.
  • The jacket was on sale, so I decided to buy it.


  • I finished all my work early. Therefore, I can leave the office on time.
  • It’s supposed to rain all day, therefore we are postponing the outdoor event.


  • The room was an absolute mess. Thus, I spent the afternoon cleaning it up.
  • She suffered a major injury, thus ending her basketball season early.


  • I hit the snooze button too many times. Consequently, I was late for my meeting.
  • There was a power outage, and consequently the food in the fridge spoiled.
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Showing Time Relationships

These conjunctions indicate when something happens in relation to something else:


  • Make sure to warm up before you start exercising.
  • Before leaving for vacation, I need to pay all my bills.


  • Let’s go out for ice cream after we finish dinner.
  • I felt much better after taking the medication.


  • Once you submit your application, we’ll be in touch about next steps.
  • Once I get home from work, I just want to relax.


  • You can keep watching TV until your homework is done.
  • The library is open until 9pm on weeknights.


  • While waiting for my appointment, I read a few chapters of my book.
  • I like to listen to music while cleaning the house.


  • Whenever it rains, my kids love splashing in puddles.
  • You can call me whenever you need help with that project.

As you can see, conjunctions are extremely versatile in helping us combine ideas in all kinds of ways.

Study this list of examples, and soon using the mighty conjunction will be second nature in your speaking and writing!


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