30 Phrasal Verbs using "CLEAR" with Meanings and Sentences

30 Phrasal Verbs using “CLEAR” with Meanings and Sentences

30 Phrasal Verbs using “CLEAR” with Meanings and Sentences.

Clear away

Meaning: To remove or tidy up something.

Sentence: “We need to clear away the clutter from the kitchen counter.”

Clear off

Meaning: To remove something quickly or to leave a place.

Sentence: “The kids were told to clear off their toys from the living room.”

Clear up

Meaning: To tidy or resolve something. Also means the weather becoming better.

Sentence: “After the party, it took us an hour to clear up the mess.”

Sentence: “The rain should clear up by the afternoon.”

Clear out

Meaning: To remove everything from a place or to get rid of unwanted items.

Sentence: “We need to clear out the garage to make space for the car.”

Clear off (someone/something)

Meaning: To force someone or something to leave.

Sentence: “The landlord asked the tenants to clear off from the property.”

Clear up after (someone)

Meaning: To clean or tidy up after someone.

Sentence: “It’s your turn to clear up after the kids’ meals.”

Clear out of

Meaning: To exit or move out of a place quickly.

Sentence: “The crowd cleared out of the stadium quickly after the game.”

Clear up (a misunderstanding)

Meaning: To resolve a misunderstanding or confusion.

Sentence: “Let’s clear up the misunderstanding about the meeting time.”

Clear the air

Meaning: To resolve a tense or difficult situation.

Sentence: “A frank discussion helped to clear the air between the two colleagues.”

Clear one’s throat

Meaning: To cough slightly to get attention or speak clearly.

Sentence: “She cleared her throat before beginning her speech.”

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Meaning: To be distinctly defined or easy to understand.

Sentence: “The instructions were clear-cut, so there was no confusion.”

Clear (something) off

Meaning: To remove or eliminate something from a surface.

Sentence: “I need to clear the dust off the bookshelf.”

More phrasal verbs:

Clear (something) out

Meaning: To remove all items from a particular place.

Sentence: “They cleared out the old files from the office.”

Clear (something) up

Meaning: To resolve or fix a situation or problem.

Sentence: “He cleared up the confusion about the project deadlines.”

Clear (someone) for

Meaning: To officially allow someone to proceed with something, often after a check.

Sentence: “The doctor cleared him for physical activity after the surgery.”

Clear (something) away

Meaning: To remove items from a space.

Sentence: “She cleared away the dishes after dinner.”

Clear (something) out of

Meaning: To remove something from a particular location.

Sentence: “They cleared the snow out of the driveway.”

Clear (something) up

Meaning: To make something more understandable or evident.

Sentence: “He tried to clear up the details of the contract.”

Clear the way

Meaning: To make space or facilitate progress.

Sentence: “The police cleared the way for the parade to pass through.”

Clear (something) off the table

Meaning: To remove items from a table.

Sentence: “Let’s clear the food off the table before we start the game.”

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Clear (someone) of

Meaning: To absolve someone from blame or suspicion.

Sentence: “The investigation cleared her of any wrongdoing.”

Clear the board

Meaning: To remove all items or marks from a board.

Sentence: “Before the next class, we need to clear the board of last week’s notes.”

Clear the path

Meaning: To make a route or way open and unobstructed.

Sentence: “We need to clear the path of any debris before the hike.”

Clear (something) up

Meaning: To solve or clarify a problem or issue.

Sentence: “She cleared up the issue with the billing department.”

Clear out (one’s) system

Meaning: To eliminate toxins or impurities from the body.

Sentence: “Drinking plenty of water helps to clear out your system.”

Clear as a bell

Meaning: Very clear and easy to understand.

Sentence: “Her explanation was as clear as a bell.”

Clear away the fog

Meaning: To remove confusion or uncertainty.

Sentence: “The new evidence helped to clear away the fog surrounding the case.”

Clear (one’s) name

Meaning: To prove that someone is innocent of wrongdoing.

Sentence: “He worked hard to clear his name after being falsely accused.”

Clear (something) from

Meaning: To remove something from a place or context.

Sentence: “They cleared the old data from the computer system.”

Clear the mind

Meaning: To remove distractions and focus.

Sentence: “A walk in the park helps me clear my mind before a big decision.”

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