The Fake Election Story for Kids
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He promised change at every election, but nothing ever happened. The same politicians stayed in power, and the same rich families controlled everything.
People were tired of it, but they had no choice. If they spoke against the government, they could lose their jobs—or worse, disappear.
Then, something unexpected happened. A young lawyer named Ryan Carter decided to run for president.
At first, no one took him seriously. He wasn’t rich. He didn’t have powerful friends. He wasn’t part of any political party.
“They will never let you win,” his friends warned him.
“I know,” Ryan said. “But if we don’t try, nothing will ever change.”
He started small. He visited farmers, factory workers, and shopkeepers. He listened to their problems and promised to fight for them. Unlike the other politicians, he didn’t give speeches from a big stage—he spoke directly to the people.
Soon, word spread about him. People liked him because he was honest. He didn’t live in a palace or drive expensive cars. He was one of them.
The government noticed his growing support and got nervous.
“He must be stopped,” President Crowe said.
The attacks began. The newspapers, controlled by the government, called Ryan a liar. They said he was too young, too inexperienced, too weak.
Then, one night, Ryan was arrested.
The police accused him of planning a “rebellion.” It was a lie, but in Merovia, the government didn’t need proof.
The next day, thousands of people gathered outside the prison, demanding his release.
“Let him go!” they chanted.
For the first time, the government felt afraid. They had never seen the people stand together like this.
The protests grew. Ryan’s name was painted on walls, written on banners, shouted in the streets.
The election day arrived. The government expected a low turnout, but the people came in millions.
The officials tried to cheat, changing the numbers, but too many people were watching this time. The truth couldn’t be hidden.
Ryan Carter had won.
President Crowe tried to refuse, but the people surrounded the presidential palace, demanding justice. The army, seeing the power of the people, refused to protect the corrupt leader.
Finally, President Crowe fled the country.
Ryan stood in front of the crowd, his voice shaking with emotion.
“This is your victory,” he said. “Merovia belongs to its people now. And I promise—we will never let corruption steal our future again.”
The crowd erupted in cheers.
For the first time in decades, Merovia had a real leader.
And this time, the election was not fake.
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