Tips to Improve Your Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

Tips to Improve Your Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

Tips to Improve Your Vocabulary for IELTS Speaking

The IELTS Speaking test can be challenging, especially if you feel your vocabulary isn’t strong enough.

However, with the right strategies, you can improve your vocabulary and do well in the test.

In this blog post, we will explore simple and effective tips to help you boost your vocabulary for the IELTS Speaking section.

1. Read Regularly

One of the best ways to improve your vocabulary is to read regularly.

Reading exposes you to new words and phrases in different contexts. Here are some reading materials that are useful for IELTS preparation:

As you read, make a habit of noting down unfamiliar words. Look up their meanings and try to use them in sentences.

2. Use a Vocabulary Notebook

Keep a vocabulary notebook where you write down new words you come across.

This is a simple but effective way to build your vocabulary.

Here’s how you can use it:

  • Write the Word: Record the new word you encounter.
  • Write the Definition: Find and write down the definition in your own words.
  • Write a Sentence: Create a sentence using the new word. This helps you remember how to use it.
  • Review Regularly: Go back to your notebook and review the words you have learned.

Reviewing your vocabulary notebook regularly helps reinforce your memory of new words.

Explore grammar topics:

3. Practice with Flashcards

Flashcards are a fun and interactive way to learn new words.

You can create physical flashcards or use apps like Quizlet.

Here’s how to use flashcards for vocabulary building:

  • Word on One Side: Write the new word on one side of the flashcard.
  • Definition on the Other Side: Write the definition and a sentence using the word on the other side.
  • Review Flashcards: Go through your flashcards daily. Test yourself and try to recall the meanings of the words.
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Apps can also help you with pre-made flashcard sets specifically for IELTS vocabulary.

4. Learn Synonyms and Antonyms

Knowing synonyms (words with similar meanings) and antonyms (words with opposite meanings) is very helpful for the IELTS Speaking test.

Here’s how you can practice:

  • Find Synonyms: For every new word you learn, find at least two synonyms. For example, if you learn the word “happy,” you could also learn “joyful” and “content.”
  • Find Antonyms: Similarly, learn antonyms for the words. For “happy,” antonyms could be “sad” and “unhappy.”

Using synonyms and antonyms in your speaking practice helps you express yourself in varied ways, which is useful for the test.

5. Practice Speaking Regularly

To improve your vocabulary for IELTS Speaking, practice speaking English regularly.

Here are some ways to practice:

Practicing speaking helps you use new vocabulary in real conversations, which is crucial for the IELTS Speaking test.

6. Watch English Movies and TV Shows

Watching movies and TV shows in English is a great way to learn new vocabulary and see how words are used in different contexts.

Here’s how to make the most of it:

  • Choose the Right Shows: Watch shows or movies that use everyday language. Shows like Friends or The Office are good choices.
  • Use Subtitles: Start with English subtitles to help you understand the dialogue. Later, try watching without subtitles.
  • Note Down Words: Write down new words or phrases you hear. Look up their meanings and try to use them in your own sentences.

This method helps you hear how native speakers use vocabulary in different situations.

7. Read IELTS Preparation Books

IELTS preparation books often have sections dedicated to vocabulary.

Some popular books include:

  • Cambridge IELTS Practice Tests: This book has practice tests and vocabulary sections.
  • “Barron’s IELTS Superpack”: This book includes vocabulary-building exercises.
  • “Official IELTS Practice Materials”: This book is produced by the makers of the IELTS test.
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These books can help you learn vocabulary that is specifically useful for the IELTS Speaking test.

8. Use Vocabulary Apps

There are many apps available that can help you improve your vocabulary for IELTS.

Some of the best apps include:

These apps are convenient tools for learning new vocabulary on the go.

9. Engage in Writing Exercises

Writing exercises are another good way to practice using new vocabulary.

Here’s how you can use writing to improve your vocabulary:

  • Write Essays: Practice writing essays on different topics. Try to use new words in your writing.
  • Write Journal Entries: Keep a daily journal where you write about your day or your thoughts. Try to include new vocabulary.
  • Write Descriptions: Describe pictures or scenes in detail. This helps you practice using descriptive vocabulary.

Writing exercises give you a chance to use new vocabulary in a structured way.

10. Learn Word Families

Understanding word families (groups of words related by a common root) helps you expand your vocabulary.

Here’s how to learn word families:

  • Learn the Base Word: Start with the base word, such as “create.”
  • Learn Derivatives: Learn related words like “creation,” “creative,” and “creator.”
  • Practice Using Them: Use these words in sentences to understand how they are used.

Knowing different forms of a word helps you use it more effectively in speaking and writing.

11. Join Online Forums and Groups

Joining online forums or groups where people discuss various topics in English can be very helpful.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Participate in Discussions: Join forums on websites like Reddit or Quora. Engage in discussions and try to use new vocabulary.
  • Ask Questions: If you don’t understand a word or phrase, ask others for explanations.

Online forums offer opportunities to practice English and learn from others.

12. Set Vocabulary Goals

Setting specific vocabulary goals can help you stay motivated.

Here’s how to set and achieve vocabulary goals:

  • Set a Number: Decide how many new words you want to learn each week.
  • Track Your Progress: Keep a record of the words you have learned and review them regularly.
  • Reward Yourself: Give yourself small rewards for meeting your vocabulary goals.
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Having goals helps you stay focused on improving your vocabulary.

13. Use Word Lists

Word lists are helpful for learning vocabulary. Many IELTS preparation websites provide lists of important words.

Here’s how to use them:

Word lists are a structured way to learn vocabulary.

14. Play Vocabulary Games

Playing games is a fun way to learn new words.

Here are some vocabulary games you can try:

  • Scrabble: A classic game that helps you learn new words.
  • Word Search Puzzles: These puzzles help you recognize words.
  • Crossword Puzzles: Crosswords are good for learning new vocabulary.

Games make learning new vocabulary enjoyable and engaging.

15. Review and Revise

Finally, regular review and revision of the vocabulary you have learned is crucial.

Here’s how to effectively review and revise:

Reviewing helps reinforce what you have learned and ensures you remember new vocabulary.


Improving your vocabulary for the IELTS Speaking test doesn’t have to be hard.

By using the tips outlined in this blog post, you can build a strong vocabulary base.

Start by reading regularly, keeping a vocabulary notebook, and practicing speaking.

Use apps, watch English media, and engage in writing exercises.

Learn synonyms and antonyms and join forums or groups to practice.

Set goals and make learning fun with games. Finally, make sure to review and revise what you’ve learned.

With these simple yet effective strategies, you’ll be well on your way to improving your vocabulary and achieving a great score on the IELTS Speaking test.

Good luck!

Additional Resources

Feel free to explore these resources to support your IELTS preparation journey.


Check out these awesome English learning books I recommend:

Oxford Practical English Usage

Conversation Skills for All Occasions


How to Talk to Anyone


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